Pop Quiz Hotshot!

Girl: How was your day?
Me: Most excellent and brilliant!
Girl: cool! Why was that?
Me: I had a great LD and did awesome on my finals.
Girl: LD?
Me: Lucid Dream
Girl: oooo! What was it about?
Me: Hmm…it was of a sexual nature…I’ll just leave it at that
Girl: Oh. (pause) Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure.
Girl: No, I won’t. It’s too personal…
Me: It’s ok…
Girl: nevermind

What does this mean? I was hesitant to actually say that about my dream, but do you think she thinks I'm a pervert or something? (She is not my girlfriend or anything) I don't know what to think! Would you do the same thing I did in my situation or not?

That was hella pervertive talking:)hehe
I think you might be quite pervertive judging by your worries:)

lol, jack would definitly no the signs of being a pervert, so trust him… j/k(kinda)
Back to the subject, if she does think ur a pervert u’ll kinda b able to tell, she’ll prob act weird around u, and if she does just laugh it off and make up a fake LD that makes u look like less of a perv(no offense jack, theres nothing wrong with being a perv :nodnodwinkwink: ) j/k (again kinda)

Yeah:)First of all-perversion can be a source of good fun:)hehe
Seriously…just be who you are,i think thats the best we can do.Dont worry about what she or actually anyone else thinks:)Keep being yourself so people will like you for what you truly are.
take care:)

Well, being female I can relate to her responses.

She was probably more thown off guard that you would be so open about it. Most females don’t want to have conversations of a sexual nature with any male of whom they’re not sleeping with (societal decree). However, she was probably extremely curious and wanted to find out more about it.

She is probably going to be uneasy around you for awhile unless you take action. Keep talking about LDing but don’t mention anything of a sexual or uncomfortable nature. Keep this up, & she’ll probably get up the guts to eventually ask you the hard questions.

It’s strange how little men understand women and vice/versa. If anyone has a chick question - it’s good practice for when I’m a therapist. :flower: