pop up face?

So i just went to sleep trying to doze off i was at the verge of entering
An lucid dream but suddenly this chick with a scary face came out of no where.
We were literally face to face. This kind of ruined my lucid dream cause i tried to move her but she did not budge :bored: do you guys have any tips if she returns again?

It’s a hypnagogic hallucination. It comes is so many different ways, yours was this scary face but don’t worry about it. Next time if you stay calm and don’t interact with it, just try to passively observe this hallucination and wait until it’s gone and you will be in a LD.

But the next time you are in this transitional state from being awake into dream you might experience something completely different. It might be something so beautiful that you will not be able to resist to not interfere with it but I would still advice to do so because it’s a pretty easy way to mess your LDs.

Oh thx il definitly try tht. :smile: