what if you had a lucid dream both of the personalitys in your body would be there so you could like destroy one or tell it to not take control or even talk to it
To be honest, I doubt that it would work. Although there are some interesting examples of healing taking place in dreams, events like that are few and far between.
I think it would be worth trying though, afterall, what have we got to loose?
Instead of destroying one, i think it would be better, to make them into one person, and make it so taht neither one could be domineering over the other.
Pretty much make one big personality, i mean unless you wanted to destroy one cause it was bad.
Part of the solution is actually admitting that you have more than one personality to begin with.
Then hopefully that person can control themselves the whole time until they’re lucid b/c what if the other personality takes over?
whoa i have never thought of that, can you have a split personality in a dream, and be lucid with one side, but not with the other, or am i going to far into the realm of complete scitzophrenea?
I think you mean Multiple Personality Disorder.
Split Personality is a form of schizophrenia where the person has sudden mood changes for no apparent reason.
I once met one of my “other” personalities in a ND it was quite disturbing really. I call him Alex. (no joke)
I think it could be possible to a degree, healing through dreams is reliant on you truely believing it can work IMO, much like placebos. If you truely believe it can work, it can. But with Multiple Personality Disorder who would that work if one of their personailities didn’t believe it could work? Interesting question and quite mind boggling.
For schizophrenia I don’t think it could work. It’s the same out of the dream. If you tell the voices to go away they won’t listen. At least for me it doesn’t work. I’ve tried it in a LD and they didn’t listen. I’ve had schizophrenia for around 9 years.
Wierd, I was going to post a thread similar to this.
But with perseverance maybe you can fight the schizophrenia. At least , this sickness is in the head. Even with self-control somebody can erase schizophrenia.
With schizophrenia (auditory hallucinations) you don’t hear the voices in your head. It’s depicted that way a lot but that isn’t the case. I feels like you’re actually hearing someone real. Sometimes you can mistake them for real people.
healthyplace.com/Communities … voices.htm
I tried countless times to get rid of them. Believe me, I really want them to go away as they could make me do things. In my dreams I’ve tried over and over and over. In RL I’ve tried over and over and over. It just doesn’t work.
Well personally ifeel I have a split resonality, but it’s not overly severe. Everyone around me agrees too. But I try to keep it under control and I’m a whole lot better at it than I used to be. But I don’t think one personality should be ruled out as wrong completely. A form combined of the two would be the best option to me.
Yeah I know you tryed so hard and its sad.
I was just saying im sure at 100% that schizophrenia can be banished if you do the right thing.
Both schizophrenia and split personality are psychiatric diagnosis, meaning they occur because of anatomical or chemical imbalances. Curing them through psychological means is possible, but tough.
The use of LDs to treat this kinf of thing could work for a couple of people, but I don’t think it would work on a big scale. Using LDing parallel to other treatment, that’s the answer. I think, in this case, it could help, yes.
Well, I don’t really want to get rid of my schizophrenia much anymore. Sure, the voices can be annoying and I’m starting to feel the paranoid affects but it really helps with WILD!
Since I naturally hallucinate, I get the hallucinations almost as soon as I start. Even during MILD.
I agree, that along side of medicine it can cure schizophrenia.