Hi there. I was wanting to share a little thing i do sometimes as a precursor to WILD that deviates from the typical types, such as SP, HH/HI and the sometimes exhausting task of keeping your mind awake past my normal bedtime boundaries. I found this out by accident one night. Basically, what i do is picture a real place that is very familiar to me, or a fictional place that i could picture very vividly. A real person or dream character is also usually visualized. I put myself in there, and basically just imagine the seen in real time but without any action. For instance, i imagined myself in the room of my best friend, which i knew very well. I imagined myself sitting there and her doing something like reading or watching TV. I keep that setting visualized vividly, and nothing else happens. Then when hypnogogia sets in, i’ll snap to and realize that the other person i imagined looked up at me or started speaking without me realizing it at first, and that i hadn’t used any input from my mind to do this as part of the scene in the first place. I havn’t had a legitimately full-blown LD as of yet, but this has gotten me the closest i’ve been before. I believe if it happened minutes later then i would have been deep enough in stage 2 sleep for the LD to occur. I think of it sort of like programing your own HI. I’d like to hear any feedback about this tech whether positive or constructive criticism. Thanks guys!
PS. sorry if this has been explored before in a diff thread, and if i put this post in the wrong place. It’s a big forum
This actually sounds pretty close to VILD which is a variation on WILD. While in the original VILD topic the poster recommends to repeat the same scene with an RC at the end, several people have adapted it to be less repetitious. It’s really cool that you were able to figure it out on your own, though
And General Lucid is meant more for questions about lucidity itself, not so much how to become lucid (that is for Quest for Lucidity). Don’t give it another thought, though. We’ll take care of it
hey first, i like to welcome you to the forum:)
and ty you also for posting this in the right place, it really makes me angry reading pointless post that been posted in the incorrect place, and what makes it worse the post remains, btw i done this a few times my self, its like you paint a picture with your mind until you fall asleep and basically step into it with your mind???
well if i understand you probable, i done this a few times my self its not really new though probable just new to you, but still its another way to get lucid mate!
keep up the good work
Visualization technique can be very powerful, especially when executed with the right mind/body state. With practice it is possible to visualize a scene and put yourself right into it, thus creates an LD of your own design. I personally often combine this with dream recall at night as a very effective, fun, and effortless way to start an LD. Not only you get to remember your previous dream and improve your dream recall ability, the dream recall process feeds you with plenty of data to get visualizations rolling. You can build your visualization on top of these data much more effortlessly than a fixed scene.
Another interesting thing is that once you can visualize a scene clearly and sees a dream character; you can literally possess him and enters the scene with his identity. One guy in my forum is particularly good at this technique. I tried it a few times with moderate success. When it works it’s pretty amazing and weird like hell.
Thanks much for the great feedback, guys! I was ecstatic to get a reply from the famed Rhewin (and thanks for cleaning up after my sloppy post placement, lol). I had a feeling that there was probably a similar or identical technique somewhere on this forum that i havn’t been able to find yet. thanks for the welcome acillis, and the advice, you and cosmic both I agree with everything you guys have to say, and i’m going to use it going forward in my quest for lucidity! you guys are awesome