Possible precog involving fires - but who knows

I have recorded thousands and thousands of dreams in my DJs over the years but interestingly I never ‘normally’ have dreams with fire in them - ever! For some odd reason it just never enters my dreams as a symbol.

However, on the only 2 occasions where I did have fire dreams they were centred around buildings that were on fire like in a city and they were huge fires. There were always huge waves, almost like tidal waves involved along with the fires - the two interacting as it were. Now for the spooky bit…

After each dream I woke to find out (on the news) that a backpacker hotel had been the scene of a huge fire and in both instances several lives had been lost! :sad: The fires occurred the very same night as the dreams…maybe a coincidence but a very striking one if it is. I live in Australia and as far as I know, these two fires are the only 2 that have involved backpacker hotels.

I am a total sceptic but I have to say that this (and a few other experiences) have made me be a little more curious about the potentialities of what might be possible.

What do you think, any ideas?

Is it possible that you heard someone talking about it, or maybe left the radio/TV on when it was being reported on during your sleep? That might have been incorporated into your dream. Also, it’s possible that you did have other dreams with fire in them, but you forgot it since it wasn’t significant except for those two times.

I believe in precog dreams and the like, and I don’t want to squelch any belief you might have, but there’s a logical explanation for many of them.

Yes, your points are well considered though I have ruled out the radio/TV ones as I didn’t own a radio at the time and the TV was not on at any point so couldn’t have ‘leaked’ in subconsciously. It’s true that I may have dreamed of fire before and not have remembered those dreams for some reason but with literally thousands of dreams recorded at that point, none had contained the element of fire.

I totally agree with you that there must be a logical explanation of some sort - mathematically speaking it is logical that we will experience a reasonable number of remarkable coincidences throughout our lifetimes so it may be just that. Still, it’s kind of nice to keep the door ajar on possibilities just in case :wink:

I thought about the idea that as our brains are electrically stimulated and with literally trillions of synaptic connections (which are neurotransmitter driven) then maybe, just maybe, it’s possible to pick up a radio/TV signal when in a particular state of consciousness. I’m just hypothesizing here with no way to validate the notion but it was just a thought that had occurred to me after ruling out all the other possibilities I could think of.

Thanks for responding :happy: