Possible To Gain Muscle etc..?

[color=darkblue]That is not true! We actually use all of our brain. The old idea that we only use around a quarter was kicked out a few years ago.

Also, I don’t believe it is closed minded, just stupid! If you told me there was a big pink elephant flying around africa and I didn’t believe you, would I be closed minded? I’d say “sensible!”

Closed minded is a term that is thrown about too much. Sometimes you just have to draw the line. Ok, try it if you like, but I can guarantee that it won’t get you muscle.

You can’t just make anything up, with absolutely no evidence and then call people closed minded for not believing it! You don’t even need 1% of your brain to figure that out![/color]

seriously Infinitycascade…

“kicked out”? What the heck are you talking about? Its not like all the scientists just decide; “WELL HECK WITH THAT IDEA! HAH THAT WAS SO STUPID… LETS FORGET ABOUT THAT AND GO DRINK”

And yeah https://www.brainconnection.com/topics/printindex.php3?main=fa/brain-myth

If i told you there was a being up in the skies and beyond that controlled earth, and none have ever seen ‘it’… would anyone believe me? YES! Cause that is what most thing of god to be. And do you even know how many people there is believe in god?
I don’t believe in god anyway so i don’t care, and I wouldn’t care if you believe me if i said that either, cause I don’t need you to
boost my EGO.

[color=darkblue]That citation is hardly scientific! :tongue: It also clearly states that despite not using all our brain all the time, we do use all of it at some stage- which is what I was actually saying! I would question how up to date the source is too and how accepted it is within the scientific community. Anyone can pull up a quote from somewhere, but that’s not to say it means something. I won’t argue with it too much though since I mostly agree with it!

It was you that said we only use 1% of our brain and what is the other 99% for- which is wrong! We use all of our brain at some stage and it is still impossible to gain muscle by training in a dream!!![/color]

[color=darkblue]That is a different subject entirely to what you were saying. I wouldn’t want to question other people’s beliefs. I don’t believe in God for the very reason and comparison you just gave so I agree with you on that… [/color]

Do you know that it is impossible to train any muscle by training in a dream?

And yes, i would SOO much want to hear in what state you use your whole brain.

[color=darkblue]I also just noticed… The first example you gave talks about how much of the brain is used at any one time- not how much is used in total, with the aid of some pretty stupid examples that lead me to doubt it’s credibility.

The second is dated 1974. Since I clearly mentioned that the more recent idea and body of evidence suggests that we do use all of our brain at some stage, then the example is irrelevant and outdated…[/color]

There is so many unknown things in the brain, like Neuro-linguistic programming… And that in fact has been proven scientifically that most mothers get a ‘feeling’ when their daughter is in trouble, you mind explaining why? Is that a thing in the mind that we use every day? just to check on how others are doing? I really dont think so, so no; We do not use the whole mind, never ever.

You don’t even show anything documented, you’re obviously speaking from your beliefs…

The date doesn’t say anything. How old are Albert einstein’s work?

I agree with infinity. We might not use all our brain all the time but we use nearly all of it for different things. Your idea is the old idea and that we only use 1%. i know there is something on this to prove we use nearly all our brain. just look it up.

Neuroscience (Clicky)

There is plenty of evidence…

You could not possible use ‘most’ your brain, cause then you would not have a subconscious, and if you know about basic psychology you would know that the subconscious is much bigger then our memory, or it is what we can call our memory. And since you do not ‘use’ the subconscious, cause then it would not be a ‘SUB’-conscious, it is obvious… we use our consciousness, and we use the brain to work the body, mostly its done by the subconscious…

And do you want me to find another web-page that disproves that? The only thing they say is ‘we do use ALL of our brain’ and that proves what? Its just another web page with other beliefs…

[color=darkblue]That was just a quick page I found. Of course you could find plenty to disprove it. Your view is no less a belief than mine though- only mine is the modern view, where as your’s is the old fashioned view.

Of course we don’t use 100% of the brain all at once but we do use it! Isn’t this logical to you? What else would it be there for!? Training yourself in a dream!?[/color]

Another source (clicky)…

No but seriously, this discussion can go on for ever, and its off-topic. You have your belief and I have mine. :wink:

It might be possible due to a form on mental stimulation of muscles but I can’t see it anywhere near as effective as working out.

That said LD’s are incredible for practice, because your body sends the nerve impusles for the action it is as if you are actually preforming it, combine that with the incredible visual imagery and practice is as effective in lucid dreams as in real life.

IMHO i dont realy think its possible (maybe some extra hormones) but it might help you be motivated.But who wants to waste precious LD time getting like 0.000000000001% stronger?

This is a strong objection indeed. :bored: It’s curious cause I believe I’ve seen some scientific reports about boosting muscles by visualization. :confused:

I remember reading alot back in the days about the power of visualization. So i believe strongly that you could train and gain muscles when you have a LD.

Then again, little puppy dogs turn into big monsters in just a few short months… That is to say, there is a difference between growth and strengthening. Are growth spurts controlled by the genetics of our cells, or are they controlled by the subconscious mind? Given that some facets of growth (such as breast size) can be influenced via hypnosis, it seems reasonable to think that the subconscious mind could affect others. It could be that the subconscious is running the whole operation, but simply follows the well-beaten path of growth.

The Body Electric is a book you folks might find interesting. Basically, it explores how a salamander is able to regrow its own tail after something bites it off. What Robert O. Becker, M.D found was that there is an electromagnetic effect of some sort that plays a principle role. Vibrations anyone? Fork-in-an-outlet? Now, I’m not about to slice my arm off to find out :tongue: , but I think there’s more to it than most scientists will admit…

There is defenetly more to it then scientists know, and you have to be carefull because lots of scientists ( and other people ) like to talk as if they do know.
That said, I have not heard of anyone who was able to incress muscle size while sleeping. I think that’s a good reason to be skeptical about it. I have also had dreams where I have run away from something like all night, and I have never had any muscle cramps, which I have had very offten when running a lot less IRL. that also makes me think that useing your muscles in a dream is something totaly different then IRL. As I have said befor, there is lots of evidence that you can improve skill durring dreams, and visualization, if you are doing practice IRL on the same skill. I still have not heard of any evidence that you can increase muscle size in a dream.
I have just read that some scientists have found a way to genieticly change mice to become strong without training. They say that there might be some substances that can cause this traning effect without training in people. If you could get your body to produce these substances in a dream, then you could posibly incress muscle size in a dream, but that is all speculation right now. :grin:
So now I have done my part to incress the confusion on this question. :bored: