After stumbling across this forum, I’ve read posts discussing the idea of remembering more than one dream per night. Is this actually possible? I know this sounds like a stupid question, but I can not remember any instance in which I woke up with the memories of two dreams in my head. It seems I only remember the portion of a dream that I experience right before I wake up. Also, how can we distinguish between one dream and another? Isn’t the dreaming process one of continuous flow? This may not seem relevant to the topic of LDing, but I’d like the have these questions answered before I begin my LD quest. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum, and good luck for you quest to LD
Yes it’s possible to remember more than one dream per night, and when you improve your DR it happens often!
Besides dreaming process is not a continous flow, because dreams happen in the sleep period called REM.
In the night you cycle through 5 stage of sleep and only in the REM stage you have dreams!
This image exaplains it all.
You can read something searching “sleep phases” on google, but i think that you can find useful information on this forum too (use the search button).
Bye bye
For some people it’s natural to remember several dreams.
I have remembered 5 (or 4) in a single night once, but usually it’s 1-2. Could barely remember any before I found out what lucid dreaming is and have started working on it.
Thanks for the replies. What’s the most effective way to improve dream recall? Dream journal?
Very accidentaly, we have here section for dream journals. Feel free to join.
Section or subforum ?:???:
Ah, you know what i meant.
Yes when I trained my DR by writing a DD I could recall EVERY dream some nights. Like waking up after every dreaming and memorizing it then going for another
When I got to that point I got lazy to write DR, so I kinda killed my joy to write dream diary because my DR got so good. Double edged blade ;D unless you wanna write down pages of text everyday (personal opinion)
Now its 1-4 dreams but I dont bother to write them down
I’m not sure if this is correct, but I think I might have experienced the beginnings of a lucid dream last night. I woke up, then promptly (within the next 30 seconds) fell back asleep while telling myself to remember it was a dream. At that time I’m not certain whether I was fully asleep or only half asleep, but I’m leaning more towards half. I felt like I had control over what I was doing, but it didn’t seem any different than the thoughts I can conjure up in my head during my waking hours.