you all think its possible to ld during 20 minutes of class? cuz theres a few classes in school where i finish so fast i have like 30 minutes of free time
Hi girby
Lol, sounds like a great idea I think it’s possible, but imo you have to be very skilled. You can for instance practice your visualization techniques which could make you into a relaxed state very fast, so you can do WILD.
I’ve also thought about this idea, when I’m going home by train every week. The danger however is to wake up before you’ve arrived, or in your case, before the next class starts. But I guess you can work on that as well, using autosuggestion for instance. All in all, I think only really skilled, or natural LDers can achieve this in such a short time.
Anything is possible. its just some things are more probable than others. Anything can happen.
Great idea !
Maybe end up doing it in ALL of the class-tme ?
Wait a sec, the teachers always know me as inattentive, maybe i should try sleeping with my eyes open in maths, then LDing with open eyes. I hardly get any work done in maths anyway so nobody will know the difference! YAY!
Sleeping with open eyes …
Anybody who manage it ?
I used to do it quite often.
OH , how do you do it ?
*Petter is impressed
No idea, i just had my eyes open and i went to sleep.
Well , I guess that some people are naturals !
Heres a tip, it might work, might not. Keep your eyes open, and clear your mind completely, dont think, only think subconciously. Do not think conciously. try to get to sleep, but leave your eyes open. It may help to stare at a completely blank surface.
yeesh. i post this 1st period… come home and theres like 10 posts… well my teachers dont much care if i sleep during class so i was just wondering. i mean i can do wild during class and almost get to the vibration phase but theres not enough time and i was just wondering if it was worth continuing to try
Hmm. Seems it is possible. Today during class I was done with my work and bored so I put my head down and started to daydream. Class was almost over and I didnt want to sleep so I just imagined stuff instead. I visualised myself walking through a snowy forest.As I walked the vividness of the dream started to increase. Eventually I saw a book and I wanted to know what words my mind had created and put on it. Normally I can’t read any words in my dreams and/or ones on objects that I imagine. I was really determined to finally break that barrier and read the words that were for so long forbidden to me. I focused really hard on the spine of the book and began to concentrate as hard as I could on the words. Slowly the first word came into focus and it said “the”. I was determined to read the whole thing so I continued onto the second word. As the second word slowly came into focus I started to feel a tugging feeling. Then all of a sudden, I was being pulled forward extremely fast. It was like i was being yanked out of my chair. This last for about a second before my teacher came along and told me to sit up and broke my concentration. I am positive that had my teacher not disturbed me I would have had my first WILD in school in the middle of class in less than 20 minutes. What do you all think?
I don’t know because I visualize doing things all the time in my mind, I even have my own inner sanctuary I go to, and I never have a WILD just from doing that. It’s definately mentally healthy to visualize things like that, though, and it may even help increase the chances of lucid dreaming!
I had an LD for like hours during an exam once. The cool thing is that I was aware in my LD that I was in a classroom where I was supposed to write something important, but I just had to much fun in my dream that I waited to wake up for as long as I could
That’s cool. Did you use drugs to achieve it?
At least not for that purpose
I came very close to WILDing during class, but I’m always afraid of going to sleep completely, so I try to wake up once in the scene. I know… waste of a LD, but I’m a deep sleeper and I don’t want to wake up in my desk at 9 at night!
Ya Wolf. I’m slightly afraid of sleeping in class and my friends or teacher not waking me, but if I got a LD. I wouldn’t care if I missed a few classes.