i was reading a topic a few posts down about everyones favorite things to do while lucid, and everyone seems to like flying, and moving things with their mind and all that. well, ive never been able to do anything i couldnt do in waking life (except for falling slowly and not feeling pain) and i was wondering if this is unusual. does anyone else have this problem? any advice?
The problem with some lucid dreamers is, that when theyr dreaming, they assume that they can do everything right away, but it doesn’t work that way. Stephen LaBerge has said, that in dreams, it happens what you expect to happen. If your subconsious doesn’t aprove flying, you just need to convince yourself that your truly dreaming and everything is possible in a dream, and you have to believe in it deeply. By this way, your subconsious gets used to the idea that in a dream you can fly. If not, you can always find some magic stick and try to give yourself some flying abilities. At the beginning of my lucid dreaming “career” I used the command “give flying ability!” if I couldn’t fly in my dream. It worked. Even nowadays I use somekind of commands if I want to change something in my dream, like if I want to go somewhere, I find a door and shout “China is beyond this door!” and when I walk thru the door, Im in ancient china
You have to crawl before you walk. It all takes patience and pratice. So hang in there and have fun,because in your dreams you really can do anything you want if you just know how.