Hey i was just wondering if it would be possible to prepare my body for childbirth using lucid dreams. Im gonna have a go at this tonight. Hopefully it works as i am having a natural birth with no drugs and the idea is to prepare my body to be able to handle child birth. Any thoughts on this???
I don’t think lucid dreams can be used to prepare your body for anything. But I know they can be used to train pretty much any of your natural mental abilities. Maybe you can train yourself to prepare for the pain?
LaBerge describes a number of experiments in his book Lucid Dreaming published in 1985 that show lucid dreaming is more powerful than imagining.
He found similar activation of brain hemispheres when LDing and when awake when singing and counting.
page 97
Paul Tholey, a German scientist trained olympic athletes in the use of LD to improve their performance.
Using mental imagery to rehearse events has been widely accepted as helping with actual performance. Lucid Dreaming is an even more powerful technique.
So Sheree, I do think it can help
have you been to classes to learn breathing techiques etc?
if you have you will have the basic knowledge to use during LDs. I should think having a LD about childbirth and “experiencing that the breathing and massage etc work and take away most of the pain”. Will take away any innate fear …
It would be more preparing your mind to know that you can do it naturally.