
Something like that happened to me once.

I was sitting with my friend and her new boyfriend, and I got this crazy dejavoo. I knew in advance what they were going to say. Maybe 5-6 sentenses they said I was saying in my head well in advance before they actually said it.
She was asking about his brother, and he said that he is in a prison, and she said that she knew his brother … (These are things which I could not have guessed, this was the first time I saw that guy…). :eek: :eek: :eek:
I got so shocked so I went home to think about it, and then I remembered that 2 months before that I had had a dream, and that dream was identical to what happened that night.

I sometimes have premonitions.
They happen in one of two ways. Either I will have a dream of something, and event for example, and then it will happen. Maybe the next day, or maybe the next year :eh:
The second is I will become aware of something seconds before it happens, like someone calling my name, or a song comming on the radio.
I also sometimes know things about people before I meet them. I wouldn’t call this a premonition, actually, I don’t know what to call it. One example is when I stated high school, I saw a guy in the cafeteria. “His name is Kyle,” I thought. Sure enough, when I was actually introduced, thats what his name was. A similar experience happened shortly after, only it was a girl, and her name was Mel.
Finally, back when i was a little kid, I had a really creepy ability to predict future weather patterns. I know it sounds dumb, but on a bright, sunny day, I could be sitting in my room knowing that later that day there would be a Tornado, and sure enough, it would happen. It got to the point where my parents took me to a Psychiatrist to figure out what was going on. Well, weird as that sounds, its what happened.
Does anyone know what you’d call something like those last two examples, and where can I find some info on all this stuff?

I have a lot of preminitions, but I don’t know it’s a preminition untill I acctually encounter the situation, than I remember back and go “I know this happened before”.

Are your preminitions anything like that?

Oh, by the way, I get them in dreams.


Hmmm … remember the Tsunami in South east Asia? All animals survived, they predicted the earthquake and run away! :smile: There is loads of cases like this all around the world.
(I also heard that when people are going to kill a pig, before they even do anything the poor animal starts panicing like crazy… he can feel the danger coming…).

So maybe you have the same ability as animals?
I wonder if there is a name for it though, you would see it on the news under: “animals sixth sense!” or “animals feeling the vibrations” or whatever … there is not enough research done about this, so there is not a name for it really. :neutral:

Funny isnt it? We can tell whats inside an athom and how to make a nuclear bomb, yet basic things such as predicting danger, or weather changes sounds impossible to most of us. And we still consider ourselves as the most inteligent speaches on the planet … what do we know, I ask? (hehe, ok this is a bit out of topic now :happy: ) .

Well, HAD the same ability. I haven’t had a recurrance since my visit to the Psyciatrist when I was about 8. Its a bummer, I actually miss it sometimes. Maybe it’ll happen again someday, that would be nice.
Anyways, thats what I always found odd about it. You don’t hear about this stuff a lot in humans, just animals. I’d love to see some research done on this stuff someday.

I’ve had some experience with premonisions in my life, such as “knowing” which episode of the simpsons will be on tonight. What happens is all the day before I’ll have that one episode of the simpsons running through my head, and then its on. (yes, I don’t actually know if this counts)

I’ve only had one other case, and thats where I once dreampt that I was moving house. We pulled out of the driveway, and thats about where it ended. I never saw that house before in my life, and I sent the dream into the back of my mind.

Years later, I had moved across the country and was now moving out of house, and this dream that I had suddenly popped back into my head. It was exactly what I was doing that day. I have had other times where this has happened, but this occurance sticks out most in my mind.

ah shite! You should have never gone to him! (Unless there was another reason for it of course). This is what I hate so much in this world, as soon as you are “different” or show ability that others dont have, they send you to a “doctor” who will shape you how they think you should act, think and be.

I heard that loads of kids can see auras, and even when they paint their parents they make a color circle around them on their paintings. (my 2 years old nice does that around everything now). But their parents tell them that there is no such thing, so they stop seing these things :sad: and because they are so young they forget about it too…

Actually, I only went once, I think it was actually my ‘fear’ of the ability I had that was driving it on. Once I went to the psychiatrist, I realized I had nothing to fear. After that, it just went away.
But your right, to much of that thing happens in school, with doctors, trying to catagorize you and take away your special gifts. Things need to start changing.
But you know, I’ve always thought that if I really wanted it to come back, it would.

ok…im new here but was reading all your messages…i believe in the whole beyound dreamin topic (if i can call it that) but the last few weeks my boyfreinds mate keep telling us about a dream he had about my boyfriends death…but he wasnt sure when it was going to happen…i thought nothin of it until that night when a friend of both of ours came on who lives in canada who does not know the person who first had a dream as we meet her around a year ago and have only just got back in contact and she starting saying shes been havin dreams and the bit i dont get is…her dreams match our other friends dream…btu they dont know each other and never have…but their dreams are very similar. My boyfriend says i shouldn’t worry about it as he dont believe it but i dont know weather to worry or just forget about it…if that makes any sence…
any advice???


Hi deathcab4cutie!

I don’t think you need to worry about that. Dreams about people’s death are very common. They generally mean that you are feeling your relation with this person to be deeply modified. The more you’re affected by this dream, the more you can be sure it is not a premonition. By the way, were the circumstances similar in the two dreams?

Both dreams had the same places around lots of people…both dreams were in a park surrounded by tons of people…the rest i dnt want to no as that was enough.

I’ve had a few premonitions.

I was going home late one night, sometime before midnight, really tired and thinking only about jumping straight into bed. As I got closer to home and without realizing it at the time, a consciousness shift occurred. I started thinking, what a great night to watch some TV, say a horror movie, something like “Psycho”, yes, make that “Psycho 111”. I got home, switched on the TV, it happened to have been midnight on the dot, and as the first screen came up, to my astonishment it said, “Psycho 111”. I hadn’t even known that there was a “Psycho 111” and of all the channels, the TV was set on that particular one.

One Saturday morning I woke up with a strong urge to get my pals and go to a local swimming pool, something we had not done in years. I went to my friend’'s house and said, “Patrick, get on your swim shorts and lets go for a swim”. He met me with a strange look and said he had just come off the phone with his mom who called him from work to say that a friend of hers had just told her that she had dreamt that Patrick had gone to the pool and drowned. He laughed it off saying he had not been to the pool in years and had no plans to do so that day. Then I walked up with my ‘great’ idea. We did go to the pool anyway although we were very careful. I often wonder what might have happened had we not been warned. Notice two premonitions coming together - mine and that of his mom’s friend.

Here’s another. I woke up one morning feeling very tired and wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep but had to go do things. While in the bathroom I had another consciousness shift. I began thinking what a great day it was to go into town and just blow the morning and how great it would be to take my friend Sandra along. Trouble was I hadn’t seen Sandra in weeks. While on the road, who should I meet but Sandra. She was in the mood to join me and we ended up doing the exact things I had thought of in my vision - shopping, lunch, drinks, a chat, and all in all a wonderful day and it all happened without planning.

No, I haven’t had premonitions of what lotto numbers will play, at least not yet.

Very interesting report, roban. You’re talking twice about “consciousness shift”. Do you think it could be better described?

Reading this topic made me suddenly remember a few similar things that have happened to me. it’s never been anything important, just odd little things. The two that come to mind are the two most recent, both from last year, I believe. The first was a time when we were eating chinese food, and went to take a fortune cookie. I was about to take one when suddenly I thought, “Nah, I don’t want this one, I want that one, it has two fortunes in it.” I was a little confused by this but decided to take the other one, just to see what would happen, and of course, yep, there were two fortunes in it. Of course, this happens once in a while, so it could definitely have been simple coincidence.

The second time was when I was walking into school, going the same way as usual, just sort of walking on autopilot and thinking of other things. I turned into the stairwell and was about to take the first step when I though, “No, don’t do that, if you step there you’ll slip.” I stopped, wondered where that had come from, then disregarded it and stepped. And slipped. Didn’t fall, because I had had the sense to trust myself a little and hold the railing, but it was strange. Again, could have been coincidence, but I’d say it’s much less likely to be the case here than in my last example.

The consciousness shifts I referred to were all seamless, meaning I was not aware of moving from one state of mind (tiredness, sleepiness) to a completely different one (alert, excited,animated). There was no awareness of any sudden change. It was an altered state in which I was fully conscious of my surroundings but my psychological state was very different and the new ‘ideas’ of what I wanted to do were very definite. Probably ‘altered’ is a better word than ‘shift’.

I wonder how much of this is premonition and how much is syncronicity. The distinction I am making is concerning the direction from which influence flows. It is of course, impossible to determine with certitude, but I image sometimes our intention brings things about rather than our having had a premonition. For example, you could have simply rolled over and gone back to sleep and then the two of you would never have met up. Or your recollection of the dream may have caused your friend to be dressed and doing the things she was.

I have two examples of my own. I not infrequently will think of someone and then hear from them shortly afterwards. I have tried to do this conciously by deciding to think of someone I rarely see and consciously picking someone. Once or twice it seemed to work.

On the other hand, I also have had experiences where I have spontaneously relived a moment in another city or country only to find that within a month or two, I am indeed traveling there, and not out of a conscious choice based upon that experience. Who knows? I just like thinking all ways around an issue.


Pretty nice topic.And let’s start with my oddities.
First a simple one.Many times i have found my self having deja vu’s pretty clear ones (they say that it’s a problem of brain but i’m not sure),i still remember a deja vu i had about six years ago where i just forget what i ate the day after yesterday.The bad thing is that i’ve lost these deja vu’s but i’ll try to find a way to have them again.
Second about general powers and awareness.It has happened many times to me while i’m going to take my mobile (i’ve left it in a place for much time) a friend i think to call me without warning like i understand the signal.Don’t know how to call it.I usually leave my mobile in one place and when i’m going to take it someone calls me and i usually think of him before i answer.
Third and best.I’ts a dream i saw about four months ago.I saw me with my friends in a big cinema we went to see a movie.The funny thing is that after a month a new cinema opened in my city,called “Τεχνόπολις”.The weirdest of all is that the cinema was the same as in my dream except for a place,the main entrance where in my dream it was another place for watching a movie.

The only thought i make that makes all these weirder is do some people predict the future or do they make it happen that way.I mean,did i somehow saw the building or did i made the person-that made it-to think it that way and because he didn’t like it as i imagined it,he changed the main entrance.
Am i going paranoic?There are more stuff but i keep forgeting them after a while.
P.S:sorry for the long post :neutral:

I think a premonition is far more different than a deja vu.

I experience what I believe are premonitions. I really don’t know what to do with them b/c some I really don’t like.

But there was an instance, an example for you, that I knew someone was pregnant before it was ever known. Not because they confied in me but b/c of what I saw. I’ll explain.

I was living in back in Massachusetts. I was in the kitchen making chocolate candy with my daughter, D’s daughters and their cousin. We were laughing and having a great time. I went to leave the kitchen for a second and as I did, I got this sudden urge to turn around. The girl’s cousin A was standing by the stove.

She is a very petite (short and thin) girl. She had on those low rider courduroys. She has a very flat belly. When I looked at her, her stomach when from flat to looking pregnant and then to flat again.

About one month or so later, her dad called me. She was pregnant.

Other things have happened too. If I knew how to develop it, I would try and help people.

Oh deffinately. The premonitions I have had are too accurate and in too much detail to be deja vu. They usually happen in dreams in my case, sometimes tied into the subplot other times whole instances of exact reproduction of what has not happened yet.

i’ve seen a few world news events in procognition before, small local things, personal things and some that could have just been coincidence. But I would definately not have them in the deja vu area.

My mother used to have them alot, most recently she had a premonition of a school burning down and children running out, but it was night time. Two days later a local boarding school did indeed set on fire during the night.

I’ve also had a similar experience with buildings, but my weirdest one. One that I cannot dismiss as deja vu, but not exactly a premonition either.

It involved seeing a room I couldn’t possibly have known of, I’m unsure as to whether I was seeing past events and the room was coincidence, or whether the room was a procog - within a dream scape.

For full details, check out this thread I made 3 years ago about it. (bare in mind, this is a 3yr old thread, so don’t reply to it lol)

I have to admit that I just read your link. And well, that’s awesome.

I wouldn’t say it was deja vu though. Because you knew what to look for. How long after that dream did you go there? I think I missed that.

But have you ever done any research on the company that was there? Maybe the name of the product they were selling or the names of owners, nicknames, etc…

Did you ever do any follow-up on that?