Preparation for LD


This is my first time posting here. I found this forum by searching in Yahoo for “Lucid Dreams” because i remembered hearing about it on another website but i never knew what it was.

I have experienced my first LD (That i can recall) a few weeks ago. It was the basic flying dream but i seemed to feel very good about myself because i knew i had control. I look forward to the next one…

which brings me to the name of this thread. Could one actually plan what they want to do in an LD or does it have to be spontaneous? The thought came to me and i would have performed a search but i couldnt figure out what to type. If it works, who here has actually thought out what they wanted to do in their dream and successfully acted it out?

But i also wanted to mention another dream that i had. This was pretty recent as well. Basically, i had a dream within a dream. I remember that i thought i woke up. I got out of my bed and decided to call my friend because i hadnt talked to him in a while. When i picked up the cordless phone, i couldnt read the numbers for some reason and it was really weird. I felt like i was very tired too and somehow i woke up in real life.

sorry for the long post but i was curious because this is a very interesting forum…

Hi Velasco, good you found this forum, it realy rox :happy:

About your question, i think it realy helps if you set your mind to what you will be doing in a LD. This way you will be more focussed on having a LD, and also you will probably remember what you wanted to do in the LD and this is a great way to experiment with all kinds of things. For example just this morning i was doing a WTBT with MILD (if you dont know what that is search the forums, especially the sticky posts) and i set my mind to visualise a sword-like weapon. In the LD i had i ended up with a double sided light sabre.

Ow and that other thing you desrcibed is called a False Awakening, check this forum’s sticky topics for info.