"Pressure" on forehead

Hey guys, first post on this forum :smile:

Let me start by introducing myself. I’m not a very experienced lucid dreamer yet I do have a reasonable amount of them without even trying. I started reading about it and how to get them but then I somehow got a lack of motivation and put that on hold for that time on.

The reason I’m posting here is because yesterday I had a lucid dream. (I very often realize I’m dreaming without using any technique) So here I am in that dream, and I voluntarely get out of that dream because I wasn’t 100% sure that I was in a dream. (Sounds stupid I know, should have done a RC) My intention was to just get out of there to check out if indeed I was dreaming and then get back into the dream if indeed it was one. As you can see my thinking abilities were not on their best.

So after that I got out of my dream and went into what I think was sleep paralysis, I don’t really know. I was like stuck in the middle between my dream and awakeness. And then I just felt some kind of pressure on my forehead. It didn’t hurt but it was just not very comfortable. The more I thought about that pressure, the worse it got.

I don’t remember what happened after that, I think I totally woke myself up because it was getting too uncomfortable and then almost instantly falled back into sleep, or I falled back directly into sleep from that state.

Anyway, does anyone here actually had similar experiences? I’m pretty sure that I have not imaginated that pressure on my forehead.

And now that I think about it while being awake, it’s like I can feel that pressure again but here it may be my mind making this up, what do you guys think? :bored: :confused:

I’m kind of worried about this, anyone?

Well I don’t think you have anything to worry about. From time to time I wake up in the middle of night with terrible anxiety and a sensation of pressure over all of my body; I think its called hypnopompia, and its sort of when you’re half asleep and half awake.

you are feeling energy in your third eye. nothing to worry about. If you really feel uncomftable about it, try shifting your attention to your toes, or to the whole of your body.
It is perfectly normal that the pressure will increase if think more about it, energy follows attention.

People can experience all kinds of crap when they’re in the transition between sleep and awake. Like electricity and pressure. The crazyest one is the old hag thing where some creepy lady comes and sits on your chest. Pressure on your head is probably just one of the funky symptoms you get from being aware during a time when your mind is supposed to be as drunk as a skunk.

The pressure on your forehead is most likely the energy center (chakra) located in that area, and it’s nothing to worry about. In fact, I’m surprised that your so unfamiliar with the feeling; I have it from time to time, and I have even before I knew what it was. There’s no reason to worry, and I know exactly how that feels. :yes:

Thank you all for your replies! :smile: