Probably never happened but...

There has probably been threads like this before I joined but I just wanted to ask:
Have you heard of anyone or been the victim of a situation where you or someone else was so sure they were dreaming that they did something they came to regret later. I just want to make sure I don’t do something stupid because I can have trouble identifying some dreams. I wouldn’t want to end up in a flattened heap at the base of an apartment block just because I was looking at my hand with an eye closed.

I’ve never known of anybody who has had anything of the sort happen to them. If they were under the influence of a few drugs when they thought they were dreaming, I could see it happening, but when sober I wouldn’t imagine it being a problem.
Before trying anything potentially dangerous in a dream, try something not so dangerous. For example, before jumping out the apartment window, summon something or somebody, or try levitating above the apartment floor. That way, you know you really MUST be dreaming before you do anything that could hurt you.

I have never heard about that happening…unless they have been on drugs or seriously mentally ill.

I seem to remember reading about that happening to someone on this site. He thought he was dreaming and said something to a girl which he shouldn’t have said :wink:
At least thats what I think he said, but I don’t remember who it was or who told me that.

i never heard such a thing.

i had this kind of worries too , i bet in your following LD s , they will tell you not to do stupid things because its real life.

after reading that , probility of this happening is increased.

and after reading that , probility of this happening is increased again.

never happened to me atleast…

I have never heard of such a thing. Such a thing would be most unlikely unless as siiw mentioned the person was stoned at the time. As you practice more you will understand that such a thing would be almost impossible!

Its impossible to me. IhavenT had a proper ld yet …

Never heard about this. As in real life, you think it’s real (and won’t act stupidly); and in normal dreams, you still think it’s real, the only case in which you think it’s a dream are LD’s.

If i remember correctly someone here was so sure about dreaming that he felt down at the stairway while trying to fly. Don’t remember who it was.

Basically if you are sometimes unable to discern dream from reality, then practice RC-s that are fool-proof(?). Like breathing through closed nose, or checking at your watch, or trying to read something. If you surely can breath throught your closed nose, your watch is acting very weird (one time at first look, totally different after looking away and back), or if you cannot read, because letters are constantly changing.

I do not recall that off the top of my head. I’ll have to look around some of the old posts. If someone is mistaking reality for dreaming then the person is either stoned or is in need of medical attention of some sort. The practice of lucid dreaming would not cause a person to believe that they are dreaming while still awake IMO.

Lol. No one stoned ever did that. You must mean, “then the person is on LSD overdose and/or in need of medical attention”… :razz:

I would think that LDing can prevent anything like this from happening. One important thing to know for lucid dreams is to know how to differentiate between a dream and RL.

True enough. I stand corrected. :smile:

It would make such a good story if something like that did happen though.