I have a simple problem: I know that in order to remember dreams more easy, it’s good to remain still with closed eyes and in same position, after waking. This way I can recall deeply, but it also makes me fall back asleep many times, so i forget to write down anything or to stay up for WBTB … Suggestions to solve this?
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” – Leonardo da Vinci
once you have a pretty good memory of the dream and are still awake, roll over and write down just enough key words in your DJ so that you will remember it all later. For example, a quick glance at my DJ reveals:
steal cash (camera) poker
vietnam LD
racism beforehand
and that is enough for me to now be able to write it all down later. those keywords are enough for me to remember the dream basically, and going through the dream moment by moment causes me to recall more and more of it.
hope that helps