problem when i use WILD

i have bee ntrying to use the wild technique for about a week everynight and i will use the different variations

listning to the tinitus

i can hear a a bit and after about 20 minutes my body goes numb but not paralized and keep trying to hear it and when i breath out he will sometimes spike but go back down then after what feels like andther 20 minutes it practicly dissapears and i still dont have SP

Letting my mind wander

this one basicly has the same affect as the tinutis exept that if i have to move ( like i try to go to bed and my dad walks in and wants me to do something, i sleep in the living room) my leg muscles will be cramped


this is hte same as the others exept that i cant focus on it and yes once again so SP HI or HH in any of these even if i do it for 2-3 hours or just 30 minutes

any idea why i am so unsecsufful at WILD and how i could improve it cause i really want to be able to controll whether or not i LD

Stress can seriously get in the way of LDing, I know for a fact. try not to fiht with anyone and most of all, WILD and MILD require an ability to remember and focus. I know from experience, MILD takes a lot. I’d assume WILD would be the same way. In some cases, forcing yourself to LD never works; keep trying, don’t give up. if you’re getting frustrated, then, Russell, focus on dream recall. It might happen while you do that. XD

As for music; something with low or no beat, quietness but still audible, and something that you ENJOY should work. Only listen to something you’d enjoy. you might start getting distracted. it might even be that no music works best.

Also, try librarying some of the books in the stickies. I personally loaned Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. quite informative.

And… I’m not sure how well gadgets would work. If you buy one, then let me know, k, Russell? :razz:

im not stressed i know that, i get numb its just that after that all i get is tingling once in awhile in my limbs but nothing else

it is relaxing though :happy:

wait up there i forgot to mention that when i get numb like 1-3 times when i try the tinitus will get realy loud ( compared to normal ) and i feel like a fake feeling in my whole body that feels like smoke rising from me or something it gowes away after like 45 seconds

Sounds to me like you’re getting exited and waking yourself up.

i think i got close last night cause my right nee started tingling a lot . Ill just try again tonight mabye combine it with WBTB

If it dosent work tonight i think ill just work on my Dream Recall

Good luck, Ferret! :cool_laugh:

I had another LD, but it’s in fragments. :sad:

Well tonight i am going to try and WBTB/WILD. Hopefully it will work out il lgive you my progress in the morning

Until then enjoy whet my face will look like on my first LD.

:woah: or :cloud9: