somedays ago i got lucid, in train when it stopped. i came out. dream started fading but i got myself back. … when ive tried to increase lucidity ive been kicked out and woke up. =/ it happened some times later again…
and solutions??
somedays ago i got lucid, in train when it stopped. i came out. dream started fading but i got myself back. … when ive tried to increase lucidity ive been kicked out and woke up. =/ it happened some times later again…
and solutions??
That same prob happes to me. i usually take a deep breath. When i do it the dream lasts a few more seceonds.
I had the exact same problem years ago! Thanks for reminding me about it before I encounter it again. Many people use the spinning technique to change dream scenes and prolong a dream but it totally kicks me out of my dreams. Either people are different or I have a huge mental block.
Try rubbing your hands together. Find a surface to focus on, notice the detail of the surface, its texture, e.t.c. That should help ground you in the dream.
I know it’s hard, but try not to get excited, because that is a sure fire way to wake yourself up.