probleme in RC plz help me

few weeks ago i started doing RC’s with my digital watch ,until now i had like 9 dreams that i did RC but i couldnt realize im dreaming, can any one tell me what is the probleme ?

Are you really asking yourself if you’re dreaming or not when you do a reality check? Because if you just do it without thinking about it, it’s not gonna work. Tell yourself that if the time on your watch doesn’t look right, you’re probably dreaming.

When you do your RCs dont ask “is it a dream?”.Say “it is a dream”.Convince yourself you are dreaming right now.In RL you of course wont be convinced but in dream you have a fair chance.

Well, the problem here is that you are materializing the Reality Checks. You aren’t truly using them, just referring to them. It’s similar to what happens when you having a dream about a lucid dreaming rather than a lucid dream. The RC is quite useless because in a truly vivid and realistic dream (caused by more hours of sleep, 7-8) you will be able to differentiate between bizarre and commonplace happenings. If you have a basic understanding of what a RC is, then that should be all. Sleep is the most important factor in lucid dreaming, and getting more of it.

when i do a RC i ask myself if i’m dreaming, while looking at my hands and counting the fingers. then i proceed to do all other RC’s that i can possibly do. if i’m in a room with a mirror i try to go through, if i’m in a room with text i read it a few times, etc. so, maybe you should try doing these double/triple/etc. RC’s in RL, they might help.