? (problems with HI )

when i HI it feels like my eyelids are closed to hard or i am looking down to far inside my eye and it makes my eyes hurt so Hi only has the begning stages of patterns, no defined shapes… what am i doing wrong? mabye i need to reloax my eyes and find a way to get those patterns not straining them… its it kinda similar if i put m hands on my eyes and press a little… like the begining patterns on Lucid Crossroads…

you will know when you reach it.
I used to be unsure about whether or not i was having HH, but after comparing it with real HH, i know its not. i did not need to look on the forums.
There is a complete change in how you feel. its odd, but you WILL know

oh, thats not HH at all. no way. you can get that when fully awake, its probably to do with the fluid and shape of your eyes.