problems with hypnagogic images...

I have a little problem with this hypnagogic images. I DONT SEE THEM!
Ive tried the eyelids technique (where you imagine something) for some times but i couldnt do because the only thing i see is BLACK. Black and some grey, sometimes bright (abstract) objects. can somebody help me?

First of all-Hypnagogics are not so much needed.There are many people not seeing them,still having lds.
But sure thing they might be helpfull,There are two things you can do. patient,sometimes and for some they start to come after a while from closing your eyes.Seems that also being tired and sleepy causes them ti be more…
2.deprieve yourself of sleep.I bet my head on it-if you play on your computer for 10 hrs straight and additionally you didnt sleep last night-they will be there without even closing your eyes:)
Note that its not too healthy:)

yeah i have the same problem with hypnagogic images. even if i wake myself up early and am reallllly tired i still dont see anything :sad: if there are no hypnagogic images, how is it possible to use WILD? or how is it possible to tell that you are close? i also don’t hear noises :sad: could it be possible that i don’t try for long enough? (usually for about 20 to 30 minutes)

also, could the fact i can’t go to sleep very easily have something to do with it?

Lay down,eyes closed,and hear music that you like (don´t has to be calm music,to me melodic metal is great for this).I think with music it is easier to see the images.If that doesn´t help i agree to Jack,play tetris till 6 o´clock in the morning and you won´t get the falling stones out of your head :wink:


hmmmm… gets his tool cds out :music: :sleeping: :cool_laugh: :sleeping: :music:

Btw tetris: My dad is a tetris’a’holic. Sometimes when he’s standing in the shower in the morning, he can see tetris pieces fall down when he closes his eyes :smile:
Research has also shown that a lot of people dream about tetris if they’ve played it a lot in some time…

This research was done by Robert Stickgold.
More about the specific research you mentioned:

But Stickgold has done more very interesting research!
A must read! :wink:

If you ever get into the a Tetris binge, you might never come back,atleast in my case for a while. I use to play it so much i couldn’t get the shapes out of my head, including getting big gold pieces and increasing my score. I just couldn’t get it out of my head, i guess its a good example to see visuals while your eyelids are closed. I think if you take Lcd you can see visuals with your eyelids closed, but you can never go to sleep(never take jokes irl might cause problems).

Jack i can understand the no sleep thing, cause the day when i got no sleep, I just have wild dreams and woke up right after. Your right its not healty either thats why i sleep better at night :smile: But the wierd things about it are the dreams i had, very short, crazy, and very hard to remember. :eek: TETRIS RULES!!!

Hey thanks hypnodude!
I think i read it in a Science Magazine somewhere, but it’s great to have a link :smile:

ok, so when i play counterstrike for a couple hours, and go to bed with that in my mind, i should keep concentrating on it? because its hard to find other things, ie. hypnotic images. let me nkow if its a good plan to stick to the countstrike images i see, because if so i can just play through the game for a while and hoepfully fall into an LD

yeah, playing CS in your mind after playing it before bed should work well, you’ll find that as you get closer to falling asleep you’ll notice it gets much more vivid and weird stuff starts to happen. This works with anything, engaging movies and computergames especially because they have good visuals and if you’ve played/seen them alot they should be easy to visualise.

If you like Tetris, then you should really try Yahoo! Towers. It takes much more skill because you’re fighting against up to 8 other people online. It’s also much more complex with special bonuses etc. Really cool.

I played it for about 2 months about 2hrs a day while i was on a training course. I used to literally play it in my head when my eyes where closed. It was great… I always seemed to win. :wink:

SilentC: do you know tetrinet? The same concept. if enyone’s interested, it’s adddictive :smile: