product parts may make the perfect rem detector novadreamer

Hi folks,

I think you people will find this very interesting, especially if you want to make your own novadreamer, everybody who have done a diy novadreamer will find that the rem detector does not work so well, and this is the solution

Look at these two websites … board.html

The above company creates a virtual keyboard which will be coming out soon, the technology is real and was presented at the Cebit Show in Hannover Germany.

this next website is the company that makes the parts for the virtual keyboard and those parts can be used as a rem detector, but i am not fully sure, so nobody try it until you know for sure, as from what i have read it detects movements from a laser beam and a laser infront of your eye can damage your eyes, so be careful.

infact when i look at it, i see that the keyboard sensor module should work well for the rem detector.

I hope this information has been useful

I’ve always thought that a product sensing the electrical fields around your body when REM is in progress would be a much better way to detect it. Strap it to your wrist and go!

More a dream than a reality…

Well folks,

The reason i posted my thread about the parts of this virtual keyboard, is because as the scanner module can pick up the movements of fingers typing away on a virtual keyboard, then as a keyboard is quite large, then the scanner should be able to pick up our eye movemnts perfectly in rem sleep,
then we would have to create some sort of software and we could tell it whenever the scanner picks up movements to beam a sound or light clue to the dreming mind, which would then hopefully give us a lucid dream.

lasers, that sounds a bit scary, eh? :neutral: i dont noe about that…

plus we all move, fidget, and twitch throughout the night…

it could wake you up as you’re trying to fall asleep.