I’ve always had a theory that you might we able to program your brain so that in NREM periods(asleep,but not dreaming) you can rest your brain,and when you are dreaming you’re lucid.
I fell asleep thinking about trying that in my next LD.
Inside my dream I find myself playing a computer game.I quit the game and open up a writing program.I write down that while I am dreaming I will be awake.As soon as I press enter I realize that I am,in fact, dreaming.
I turn to a DC next to me and start talking to her.Although I don’t really remember what she said I think it was something about training my abilities.After talking to her I fly outside my bedroom window and start flying.I flew longer and higher than I ever did before. After awhile I started losing clarity in my dream so I decided to wake up.
After waking up I was wondering if I was able to actually program my brain so that I knew I was dreaming.What does anyone else think about this?
Hmm, sounded kind of confusing to me. I dont understand what you mean by program your brain, how would you be able to do that :dozing: ? But what it sounds like to me is you want to be able to rest your brain while your in a N REM period, and while in a dream be become lucid. I guess this is to big for my tiny brain to understand.
I’ll try to explain to you simple-minded folk out there .As far as I’ve heard there have been many experiments with LDILD or Lucid Dream Initiated Lucid Dreams.I was thinking of asking a DC to remind me that I was dreaming in my next dream thereby programing my brain to be lucid in every dream after that one.
As far as I know I might of been able to program my brain,but I used a different method.
You mean LILD don’t you? LDILD is not really easy to pronounce PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE experiment with this! LILD is really an exciting idea though it already requires decent LD-skills… But suppose the theory works, and people (or computers, or animals whatever ) come and tell you in your dreams that you’re dreaming - wouldn’t that be awesome!
YEAH, LILD, I just love that idea
I also encourage you to try it, since this is quite a new approach (Writing a programm instead of asking a DC).It´s still my highest goal when it comes to lucid dreaming, but unfortunately I hadn´t had many opportunities to try it yet.
Please report your experiences with it.
Next time I want to combine the two things I am most interested in at the moment:
LILD and the “Lucid Crossroads”
I´ll try if I can get one of the crossroads guides to help me.Perhaps he can just put a red door in front of me once in a while, that´d probably enought to make me lucid (at least if I step through and find myself at the crossroads )
I’ve heard that an effective way of ‘programming’ lucid dreams is via hypnosis. One technique I heard was that the hypnotiser (yourself if using self-hypnosis) suggests that in your normal dreams you will find a big, red lucidity button. And in your dream you will press it and become lucid at that point.
i have a question. wouldn’t you have to convince your DC’s that you are already dreaming before you could try a LILD? and wouldn’t that have to be some THOROUGH convincing? otherwise it seems to me that they’d either brush off the comment and be like ‘uh…yeah whatever,’ or they’d forget to do it before your next dream.
I myself never had the problem of convincing my DCs that it´s a dream, although many people report that.On the other hand, I just never felt the urge to tell them.Often I am just flying or something, then I don´t talk to DCs.And those times I did talk to them, they knew it was a dream, I didn´t even tell them.They acted like independant beings who just live in another world than I do.
However, lately I somehow had some problems talking to them.They just sorta ignored me
Hope it´ll get better again
That’s why I say you need decent LD-skills to begin with, this is not going to be easy. You have to find friendly people who appear regularly in your dreams, and who are more evolved than zombies. If they still play the skeptic, you have to convince them about this being a dream. After that, you still have to convince them to come back later when you’re not lucid anymore. Maybe if you have excellent LD-skills it is even possible to create such a DC? It’s going to take some time anyway, but if it really works it’s almost better than winning the lottery, i.e. your subconsciousness helping you to get lucid every night.
Another thing to add:
The “asking a DC techinques” is just one of many ways to do LILD.You could also ask an animal, a tree… or the sun (has anyone ever talked to the sun? sounds funny ).
Then there are also ways that don´t have to do with asking at all.For example, you could just put a large sign “THIS IS A DREAM” at some place that you visit often in your dream, and hope it is there when you get the to the place the next time.
I am sure there are lots of other possibilities, and I am always interested to hear of new ideas on this since IMHO it´s the coolest technique ever
And another application of LILD could be this: why not using self-hypnosis in your lucid dreams to stay lucid and to get more LDs later. When we have a lucid dream we have much better opportunities to do self-hypnosis because we have huge access to the memory system, and we’re in an ideal brainwave state (theta/alpha rather than beta). I think we could even combine self-hypnosis with the contact-with-DCs-approach. (or the contact-with-tree/sun/whatever-approach LOL) This combination could deliver a VERY powerful LILD-technique…
Or find your spirit/dream guide or how you call it. Those people always seem very intelligent and independent, not? Maybe you can reach some appointment about making you lucid!
I tried something like this not too long ago, it seemed to work but it only lasted one night. I thought up the idea of giving myself a Lucid Dream bracelet next time I became lucid, and I told myself that as long as I was wearing it I would have Lucid Dreams and would not wake up until I wanted to. In a few short weeks I finally did this in one of my LDs. That night I had 4 or 5 lucid dreams, but it only worked that night. I haven’t experimented any further with this.
Is similar to what Castaneda writes about in his books… It is a dreaming gate… Those of you who have read it will know there are 7 gates, basically gates of spiritiual development…
One of these gates, is to become lucid in a dream, and then dream within the dream. THIS is a great trick!! for travelling places you might otherwise not be able to reach… (since it frees you even more from your minds constraints on what you can achieve)