I Have known about Lucid Dreaming for about 2 weeks now.
Since then I have researched tonnes. I have managed to have one short and one long full blown LD.
Is this Slow/Normal/Fast Progress.
Just curious
I Have known about Lucid Dreaming for about 2 weeks now.
Since then I have researched tonnes. I have managed to have one short and one long full blown LD.
Is this Slow/Normal/Fast Progress.
Just curious
That’s good. Some people take many weeks or even months to accomplish anything.
Pretty good going, Poop (what a name… )!
I have been at it for about 12 months and so far only 2- tiny miniature slivers of lucidity. They were fun though…plan to have lots more!
That’s definately good. I’ve been into LDing for about a month now and I had my first proper one about a week ago, so I guess I’m making good progress too.
Not intending to brag or anything
Thats is reall fast progress .
Your very lucky.
I’m on 3 weeks and have not had a one
OMG!! Had two more lat night.
Long Live Lucidity>>>
Great Realms You’re on a roll. What’s your secret to success?
Its Probably because I get about 12 hours sleep per night. HAHA
omg! how is that posseble! 12 hours, if iam going to get 12 hours of slep i have to go to be at 6:30PM lol. I have tryed having lucid dreams for 2 day, this is my third. I keep having problems remembering my dreams, when i wake up after 6 hours of sleep and try writing down what ive been dreaming about, i cant remember. Then later at the day i remember, like 6 hours after i wake up lol. I was dreaming i had loads of facial har (probably because i was telling myself i had to shave this morning before i went to sleep). But so many LDs sound sensational, can you tell in detail what you did when you got your LDs?
No LDs yet, many to come?
Well, the best was the first time I tried to control the whether. The clouds started rolling all over the sky. It was unbeleivable. One clous turned into a big friendly dragon. I asked him id he could teach me how to fly. he was much abliged. Very friendly guy.
In my next one I spent most time running up and down the street jumping as high as the street lamps and flipping and spinning and stuff. Making the sun rise was also cool!!!
Two to three weeks, nothing yet. Though my recall has improved greatly and i’m having more interesting dreams? Is that a good sign?
Yah sure. My dream recall has always been good, before I found out about lucid dreaming so I got lucky and didnt have to work on it that much. You should try WBTB.
I am doing WBTB now. I think 30-60 mins is ideal. for example look at this, lucidity.com/NL63.RU.Naps.html it is one of LaBerge’s experiments.
Tell me how it works out.
you have to test what is ideal for yourself, for me its about 20 minutes as i am fully awake then. Staying up longer inhibits my abilities to return to sleep quickly.
60 minutes was to much for me, i didnt manage to get back to a real type of sleep, ever been a state, when you are not sleeping but you are not “awake” either. B vitamines can do wondersrs. Anyone know how long it takes for them to have effect? I amgoing to test out, i wanna test A-E vitamines before i go to bed, do wbtb, and take the same dose with the same vitamines.
I use a B supplement with all kind of B vitamines. When i take it an hour before i goto sleep it works on all my dreams it seems, so i would say it takes 2 hours or less to be effective. Other vtamines dont seem to have a realy positive effect btw. And yes 60 minutes is too long, i have had the same thing, i was going to sleep after like 45 minutes and i was in this semi sleep state for some hours, not able to get a LD. You should try 30 or maybe 20 minutes, the idea is just to feel good awake so if u get that feeling after 5 minutes it would be ok too.
A buddy of mine told me someting when we had PE, he said if you breathe with your nose you use all your louge capacity, why is this importand? He said it was a yoga tecnique to get more relaxed. And the more relaxed you, the easyer you fall asleep. I heard this today so i will try it. You know caffiene makes you more awake, you get more awake because you increase the bloodflow into your brain. If you get the caffine to work slowly you can use this icreesed bloodflow to get more clearity in your dreams or a greather awareness. Or make you more awake. This may help on your dreams. dontknow if it will help you more lucid. But I am 90% shure it will be a perk, as long as you get the effect after you fall asleep.