Project Apocalypse

changed title from Project apocolipse (spelling) to Project Apocalypse :angel_fly:

With all this talk latley about the end of the world… I would like to try an expirament. I would like the volenteers to get as much insight from D.C.s about when, and how the world will end. Ask them questions about global warming 2012, and whatever else you can think to ask. Lets see how much info we can gather. Dont make it a one time deal eather continue asking. Or even ask when the next disaster will occure, and what it will be. We could have a topic set aside for just the info we gather from our dreams. Lets see how many time a certain year, month, day reoccurs. Maybie we can predict something. Whos on board. Ill call it… "Project apocolipse"This will give us something constructive to do with our LDs, that we can all work on togeather. I want as many people as we can to get involved, and we will do it through the month of September where we will post a predicted date. If you have any other ideas on how to make the expirament better let me know. So starting tonight start talking to your DCs, and SGs. How does that sound?

OMG, I have just found a good purpose for my lucid dreams other then entertainment.

Hey Kavaa it sounds good to me! :content:
I would like to help if thats ok, though Im not sure how much help I could be ( Im not very experienced in the whole chat to your DC kind of thing) but ill try. This could be realy interesting to see what information we could get from our DCs. Could you give me any tips on actually comunicating with DCs though…

Just talk to them like you would anyone else. You may have a problem with remmber dialog though, but it shouldnt be too hard. Thanks for volenteering.

No problem and thanx for the advice can you post when youve created the topic for us to put all the info we gather in.

I haven’t read your post, but it seems you’re unsure of the spelling, no?


Glances over post

Hmm… after glancing over your post, I don’t think that would be a bad idea for an experiment. Of course, one would have to have exceptional dream recall and a moderate achievement of lucid dreaming. Though, maybe a couple lucid dreams could suffice, so as long as the project is followed through, and the dream recalled…

Something to look into, I suppose.

OMG, I should be sleeping, now, but after the AP, I just had I cant. I was doing WILD for about 2 hours, and I got my Astral body vibrating pretty strong. I was too scared to come out, because I felt too aleart mentaly. Finaly I had the vibration built up like crazy, and I came out. It had all the typical AP characteristics, so I wont go into all of that, only to say that I finaly learned how to talk. I saw, a bunch of statue horses, and they started running toward me. I was looking for a DC, and I found someone under a tree, when I got closer to it, I saw it was a small doll. It told me that someone asked her to ask me a question. (I couldnt understand fully what she said) So I asked her when the world would end she said… Oct 20th. I wasnt abale to get anymore info, because I got too excited, and returned to my body. Im telling you It was an amazing, amazing expirance. Now, Im more enterested in AP then LD. It is pretty easy. I cant believe I can do WILD good enough to project. Damn I have to work tomorrow… Anyway Ive got the project lifted off with our first date. Oct 20th. Thanks to any volenters. Lets keep it rolling.
PS… Even if a DC gives giberish write it down anyway. Thanks.

I’ll ask but I expect nothing but lies, damn lies, and statistics from those DCs of mine.

I wonder if your DC’s wont just tell you what you expect them to tell you… it’d still be an interesting experiment, but I wouldn’t rely on what the DC’s (or even SG’s, since I’m still not sure I believe in them) tell you. I bet lots of people from here are going to dream about 1012 just because of the threads. :tongue:

I asked one DC twice what will happen in 2012.
I can’t remember the first answer, but the second answer was: Your aunt Riki’s soup will boil over.

Your aunt Rikis soup boil over. They may be a Volcano erruption, or something else. This is why I even want giberish to be posted, it means something more then what your hearing. Thanks that is enteresting. Im hoping to have a few more LDs, or APs this weekend. I would like to come up with a list of questions other then asking when the world is going to end, because I know it want end. What are some ways of asking the DCs?

I’ll try to get some more answers, if you like :smile:

That soup thing must be a metaphor! Those crafty DCs…

I don’t believe in all those 2012 theories, but if someone thinks the answers my DC’s are interesting, I don’t mind posting them :smile:

To bad the DC said Riki and didn’t pick one of my other aunts’ names. Nel for instance. Nel is usually short for Helen. You can make a lot of nice predictions with that name :razz: For instance, Saint Helena is an island with volcanic origins. If an underwater volcano in that region went boom, it could cause some nice tsunamis.

Sounds interesting, I remeber reading when i was young a book about the aztecs. They predicted that in 2012 there will be a massive earthquake and anybody doesn’t die from the immediate earthquake will die from severe headaches as a result of the earthquake.

I’m not that good at lucid dreaming, whenever I’m lucid I always forget what i planned to do before. (Not that I try to remeber but forget, it’s just that it doesn’t occur to me atall) Still, I’ll try to do this if i can.

Am I the only one helping you out? :sad:

Tonight I asked a random DC if the world was going to end in 2012, his answer was yes.

Later I met three DCs that looked a lot like my three cousins. The middle one was angry, he was affraid I believed the random DC and he said: “The day after the world ends, I’m going to laugh at the scared people who nailed their windows shut!”
I asked the youngest brother if he could take me to the day the world was going to end. He said no, but the oldest brother could take me to the day after.
The day after the end of the world was peaceful. Some people were surprised, but it looked like a normal day. It was a sunny morning and I saw children going to school.

Dam, I had a lucid dream last night and couldnt remeber what I’d set out to do. I could’ve done this :sad: Maybe next time.

Global warming will have no lasting effects

before it can we are cast into nuclear winter and 1 3rd of the worlds population is wiped out in the process.

how I know, I have no clue but its true and I know that much, as to when I dont know, as to where it will originate I have no idea either but i just know its true.

Saying something is true without providing any kind of proof? Nice…

lol had a feeling i’d get that but its just a guess and if you look at wats going on in the world you’d see what i’m seeing.
think about it, with iraq and everything going on, new weapons and technology, and Korea, its only inevitable.