Prospective Memory Training topic

I wonder how many of you have tried this technique by Dr LaBerge. This is not a technique on its own but a preparation for eventual MILD.

I was reading the LaBerge book Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming and
found this on pages 76 and 77.

Basically you have targets for every day e.g. the next time I see a red car, the next time I see a vegetable, the next time I turn on a television or radio, the next time I handle money. (4 per day)
Then you memorise the targets for the day at the morning.

Then (just) the next time you see a target, perform a RC.
At the end of the day, write down in your dream journal how many of the 4 targets you managed to notice. If you missed your chance to notice one of the targets (but it was there) then you failed to hit the target. If you are certain that the target did not occur at all during the day, say so in the journal. You only have to notice the target once i.e. the next time it happens

You have to do this for one week. If at the end you are still missing most of the targets, continue until you can hit most of them.

Make up your own list of targets, keep track of your success and observe how much your memory develops.

The idea basically is to enhance your memory so as to be able to do MILD with better efficiency.

These are the Daily Targets (Ask yourself, “Am I dreaming?” at these times):

The next time I see a pet or animal.
The next time I look at my face in the mirror.
The next time I turn on a light.
The next time I see a flower.

The next time I write anything down.
The next time I feel pain.
The next time I hear my name spoken.
The next time I drink something.

The next time I see a traffic light.
The next time I laugh.
The next time I hear music.
The next time I throw something in the garbage.

The next time I eat a vegetable.
The next time I see a red car.
The next time I turn on a television or radio.
The next time I handle money.

The next time I hear the telephone ring.
The next time I check the time.
The next time I notice myself daydreaming.
The next time I read something other than this list.

The next time I open a door.
The next time I see the stars.
The next time I use a toilet after noon.
The next time I see a bird.

The next time I see an advert.
The next time I put a key in a lock.
The next time I eat anything after breakfast.
The next time I see a bicycle.

hey that seems useful!

I think ill try that ! :cool_laugh:

I’ve used this as my main technique (combined with MILD) for inducing lucid dreams, and I’ve found that it’s all right. It really helps you to remember to perform RC, but personally it feels more useful to me to compile a list of my own (common theme’s and places from my dream journal) then to follow the list specifically.


Yeah,me too-i personally prefer to do my rcs according to my dreamsigns.It somehow seems to be more effective,additionally my dreamsigns dont change too often.
It might be good for people who have general problems with their dream signs-either they cant spot one yet or ones that they found are useless to base rcs on them(i.e dragons,aliens…etc)