Psychic Lucid Dreams...

Does anyone here have any experience in receiving psychic information consciously through lucid dreams?

Also, does your lucid dream need to be during a ‘deep sleep’ to achieve psychic information, or can it be during a light sleep in the morning, as that is when I get the majority of my lucid dreams, normally after waking up initially after 6 or 7 hours of sleep.

If anyone has any experience in the above, I’d love to hear from you… Thank you!

I have heard that some people can do that, but I have no experience with it.

I have not had any psychic LDs that I know of, although I’ve tried to have them (and am still being patient…) I do think I’ve had spirit visitations though from my deceased grandmother. I know that’s not helpful but…I’m sure there are no real rules about the best time of day for psychic dreams. I think the intent to have them and your belief that they are true is what metters most; if you’re doing this as a spiritually-minded event.

Thank you very much for your response.

Interesting topic to consider. There are loads of examples of psychic information coming through in dreams, and I am just wondering whether it has ever been consciously accessed via a lucid dream… Funnily enough, I am trying to connect with a deceased relative to see if this has more of a bearing spritually, to access the psychic information.

I’m sure a lot of people will tell you that you can’t have psychic lucid dreams at all, but I have read articles online about people predicting horse racing quite accurately through dreams, although they werent Lucid. If you want to find out about best time of day for psychic dreams, I would reccomend researching some ancient traditions, or religions about energy flow at different times of day. Good luck!

I have a twin sister and we’ve had the same or at least similar dreams on the same night. We finish each others sentences and even more often well both say the exact same thing at the exact same size. Lol were not even identical. As far as dreams though, my friend once dreamed about one of our friends wearing this certain shirt and the next day she was wearing it XD

About 4 weeks ago I did have a LD in which I was just hanging out in the country side, when I suddenly heard a loud voice saying “Your personality is changing lately and some friends will not like it” (in dutch).

I didn’t consider it to be psychic info, because I’m rather down-to-earth, but I bet that many religious/spiritual people would have interpreted it very differently, if they had heard a strong voice saying that from out of the clear sky.

I just had a ND recently that i was eating a cinnamon roll flavored cake, and when i woke up as i was writing the dream down, my brother started making cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Probably a coincidence, but strange nonetheless.

Also i just read this article today about a lady who consistently wins lottery numbers and dog races by seeing the numbers in lucid dreams. The article even describes a bit of her technique. Here it is:

Nice article, thanks for the link. :smile:

Have also heard of some remote viewing clubs being able to win the lottery through team concensus.

Here is a link explaining how to remote view the lottery.