pulled this off another message board

Hehehe, that’s a cute one. I gotta try that with my sister. :content:

Yes yes shooting people in the foot is very cute, and should try it with your sister :wink:
I recently heard i pretty funny one:
"So theres these three hookers right? And the pimp comes up to the first one and says ‘wheres my $500?’ she says ‘but you said $300!’ the pimp slaps her and says ‘BITCH DONT CORRECT ME!’ " Samething happens to the other two, and then you say "The pimp walks up to the fourth hooker and says “wheres-” Usualy whoever your telling this two will say “But you said there were only three!” Then you slap them and yell “BITCH DONT CORRECT ME!” :smile:
Im sure you could kiddy it up for your sister… um the candy collecter comes up to the candy holder and says “wheres my 5 lolipops?” ect. :cool:

EDIT: 1 away from 500!

Red wrench for me.

I’ll have to try that pimp joke out on some one.

That’s a good one Neo!

Hilarious but size=75[/size]

We should have a “dirty” jokes thread. Or just a jokes thread…

We have a jokes thread that was started by DM7
Lol maybe big jokes discussion

I got a red power drill. And milk and toast.

i got a yellow wrench

I picked a red screwdriver :content:

I got a blue hammer :shy:

Green Screwdriver =P

gray hammer… I guess I’m the dull kind of guy… no color at all…

Got another ‘playground prank’ :content:

Sorry to Canadians, but I have to keep the joke in its original form :tongue:

Okay. First take the persons hand. Then ask, “Are you a Dumb Canadian ( :rofl: ) or a Smart American ( :rofl: )?” They will USUALLY say Smart American :tongue: Then you take your finger and put it maybe a cm away from their forehead. “Am I touching you?” You ask. 75-85% of the time they will say no, then you shove your locked hands in their face and call them a moron :grin:

Another thing thats not as much a trick as just something interesting I saw on TV…

Ask someone to describe a gotee. 9 times out of 10 then will touch their chin to/while describing it.

I dont get the joke.
I like the goatee thing or whatever though.

Green Screwdriver

Does this mean i’m queer?

Its just you call them stupid for saying that you’re not touching while your holding hands. You’re supposed have you hands locked the whole time. Then they will ignore that hand and just pay attention to the one thats almost touching them.