I just saw Push today and it gave me ideas on what to do in my next LDs
Im gna try to moove HUGE things with my mind. try to make DCs think what i want them to think/do. and try to see the future in my dream. its gna be awsome :woo:

Nice! Good luck! :content:
I’ve controlled a DC’s thoughts before, It’s very cool.

fun! what you’re thinking of is called telepathy (the ability to move objects with your mind)

Ive done it before, though it was with small objects. I cant wait to try it with something huge! :content:

Telekensis** Using your mind to move objects at your own will, YODa from starwars states size doesnt matter lolo
Telepathy is mind communication, The elf queen or w/e that talks to Frodo in the Lord of the rings

Not to burst your bubble or anyting just thought you might want to know the differences

ya i know sorry. I was realy tired when i wrote that post. then today in school I had one of those “oh ya!” moments :tongue:

I love that! I can move things in my dreams as easily as I can fly- I do these 2 things when I am dreaming as if they were the most natural things in the world for me to do lol. As if I have always been able to do them and that walking somewhere or having to use my hands to move somethings is much more effort than flying or Telekensis.

nice topic, to be honest, I dont have problem to move larger objects, but if my LD-level is low I cant do telekinesis at all :meh:

good luck idharma :boogie:

I havnt been able to achieve much yet for ive had to lucid dream moments, and i knew the way i typed telekinesis*(tele-kin-e-sis) was wrong! lol
Thats the correct way i knew, telekensis(Tele-ken-sis) didnt sound or look right lol sorry guys! lol

I did that with a huge deepfreeze in one of my LD’s once. Took the piss out of him. It was hilarious xD
I made the freezer chase him all the way down the hallway xD

I ma Gonna do that too!!! thanks for the post and option~ :grin:

i know that what people think DC’s are are just people in your dreams, in my O.B.E’s and 1-2 lucid dreams,idk why, but thie rmore than that, they have thier own “personalities” idk if this is for everyone, considering that i cant go in your dreams, but i figure, i they have thier own personalities, than i have to persuade them, i cant consciously control them to do what i want(such as some people rape thier DC’s :eek: idk why) but if you have more control than this, pm me its a pretty big topic(i think :grin: )