Hey! I wanted to try WILD this morning after about 5 hours of sleep. I woke up at 5:35am and went to the toilet, drank some water and then meditated for 15 minutes before going to bed. Meditation makes it 100 times easier for me to fall asleep in the morning.
After about 5-10 minutes trying WILD I start hearing that electric sound buzzing in my head. I wait a bit longer and then it starts to happen, THE EXTREME TICKLING SENSATION.
I mean it’s horrible, I think it happens when I’m about to enter SP since I have failed and felt that I can’t move right after the tickling before.
But the weirdest part is that the tickling is so extreme right where I have a 12cm(4.7 inches) scar on my side, where my ribs are. I don’t have much sensory around the scar otherwise but the tickling right there is outstanding.
What can I do about this “problem” and is it normal? This is often the reason why I fail my WILD attempts.