I’ve been recording my dreams for about a month now. My dream recall has shot up to about 2-4 per night depending on if i can sleep in. I’ve noticed that lately a particular friend of mine is in my dreams alot. He lives far away from me so it’s almost an impossibility that i would see him in real life. Also most of my dreams have to do with school. One minute i’ll be walking around the exterior of my old high school. but when i go inside to a classroom, it’s like i’m in college. How can i use these reocurring themes to jump to lucidity? comments, suggestions? thanks in advance.
Using a theme (dreamsigns) to gain lucidity is not somehting i have tried yet but i know it is a technique that some people use. Apparently you have to make it clear to yourself somehow that when you see a certain dreamsign in a dream, you will become lucid. How you go about doing this is another story. Maybe you could try to think you are in a dream everytime you think IRL of highscool/college?
Anyway good luck if you gonna try it