Question about dream recall

Hi everyone.
About 2 years ago I started my journey to have a lucid dream. My dream recall was bad, and I barely remembered few dreams in a week. I had little motivation and I gave up.
But, here I am again. About 2 weeks I started it again. I took my old dream journal and started writing everything. I was quite surprised that at first I remembered 4 dreams. On average it was 2-3 dreams a night. But in recent days, I would often wake up with no memory of a dream at all. During the breakfast or later I would recall some dreams. Some random things would help me remember and then I would write them in my dream journal. Is this normal?

Moved from Quest for Lucidity :tardis:

Yes, that’s very normal.
Keep in mind that your dream recall largely depends on when you wake up - if you wake up during a REM cycle your dream recall is usually better, since you wake up straight from a dream.
These REM cycles are very individual, but people usually have one of them roughly 6 hours after they fall asleep, so try waking up about 6,5 hours after you go to bed.

You may also remember some fragments later in the day because you subconsciously picked up clues - you may have dreamed about school, then remember it because you met one of your teachers. :smile:

Asking yourself questions when you wake up. The things when you remember in the day is the same it happens for it hawing some konnektion to your dreams. So making up a bunh of questions in the morning and asking yourself when you wake up will also help.

(Keyboard is fooked so its written weird. Appoligies.)

Thanks for the answers. I’m glad it’s normal.
Anyway, keepeng a dream journal helps you recognize dream signs and improve dream recall. If I already noticed several dream signs and remember my dreams regularly, do I still need to keep my dream journal? Even after I become lucid?

if you want to keep having lucid dreams,you gonna need a dream journal for the rest of your life

You don’t need to keep a DJ if your DR is good enough without one. Still a DJ is a very important and helpful tool for lucid dreaming.

Although this is not directly related to dream recall, but I’ve always wondered can you build something in your dream, save it somehow and continue dreaming the night after and continue building?
For example, you start building a city and finish it after 3 or 4 dreams. Hope you get me :wink:

Well it’s definitely possible in theory, but it might be hard to keep it exactly the same from dream to dream, since lucid dreams tend to be kind of unstable.
Worth a try, though!

if i were to try this (given i can get lds to last long enough), I’d draw it out first on paper or make a model on a computer (like how architects do). and then (dont’ know how easy this would be, since i’ haven’t consciously created large objects like buildings before), create in the dreamland. you would need to remember the detail of everything beforehand and afterwards to (again, somehow) recreate it the next dream… a shortcut to this would be amazing, not to mention the ability to frequently have long lucid dreams.

good luck

Ya its a strange sensation waking up, i feel so groggy and thoughtless, the only thing im thinkin of is…“me comfy”…“more sleep” …“teacher was hot” --wait what?
realized I have memory of dream, wrote it down.

I have noticed that with the continued practice of keeping a DJ, your attentions go back to dream recall more frequently RIGHT when you wake up :tongue: