Question about keeping a dream journal

Alright, I’m recently new to LDing… Although I do remember doing some stuff on my own will in past dreams when I was much younger… :grin: But while reading the site and forums, I see people bring up keeping a “dream journal”… Now, I tried this just last night… I woke up, got my dream jorunal and wrote down what I was doing at the moment. It wasn’t much… I was using a Jump Rope for some reason… So that’s basically all I wrote down… The thing I’m trying to get at is, do I write EVERY single detail down? Or just sum up the whole dream? Any advice is greatly appericated :content:


I usually just write down the key things. When I read them over later, they trigger memories of the more detailed stuff. For example, I had a dream last night where a lion attacked and started eating some guy. In my journal I just wrote the lion attacked him, but I can still remember how and where the lion attacked him. I don’t think details like that are necessary to write down. My advice would be to just write generalizations of everything that happened. Reading it over at least once soon thereafter also helps to remember details.

well, whenever i write my dreams down i write down all the detail that i can remember. this helps you be more aware and your dream and it helps you have more vivid dreams as you keep writing it. well it helps me anyway. oh, and also if you ever plan on interpreting dreams it is important that all the details are written down. but do what you choose, i’m just letting you know what i’d do. :content:

good luck with your dreams :smile: !

well, whenever i write my dreams down i write down all the detail that i can remember. this helps you be more aware and your dream and it helps you have more vivid dreams as you keep writing it. well it helps me anyway. oh, and also if you ever plan on interpreting dreams it is important that all the details are written down. but do what you choose, i’m just letting you know what i’d do. :content:

good luck with your dreams :smile: !

well, whenever i write my dreams down i write down all the detail that i can remember. this helps you be more aware and your dream and it helps you have more vivid dreams as you keep writing it. well it helps me anyway. oh, and also if you ever plan on interpreting dreams it is important that all the details are written down. but do what you choose, i’m just letting you know what i’d do. :content:

good luck with your dreams :smile: !

Write down as much as you can. If you are in a hurry…write down keywords, draw little diagrams, write the important stuff word for word…like important conversations or phrases. If you don’t write down these basics…you will naturally for get it as time passes. :shy: Personally, I only write down short sentences and keywords. If the dream was interesting enough, I will go back and fill in the details later. If the dream is ultra-super-cool…I write everything down as soon as I wake and draw little pictures and diagrams. Don’t forget to write down things you may have done to enhance your dream awareness so you can understand what works for you best. If you want, analyse the dream and write comments down that you may think brought you to have this dream…like watching a good movie earlier in the night or thinking of an old friend and he pops up in your dream…silly stuff like that. :wink: I have an art ‘visual diary’, it’s A4 size and I leave it next to my bed with a box of coloured pencils…I prefer the coloured pencils to any old pen. I NEVER read ‘dream dictionarys’!! They are so contradicting, best to make your own judgments based on your own life experiences.!!

I agree with these guys that details are important. If you ever want to go through your dream book and look for common dream signs, every detail would be a bigger help because you could dream about things that are so subtle that you wouldn’t notice them. It’s a lot easier for you to just buy a microcassette recorder and speak your dreams as soon as you awake from them. It’s easier than fumbling around in the dark for a pencil and paper and you can talk faster than you can write. That’s the method that has worked best for me because when I awake for good, I can listen to my recording (which has about 5-6 dreams on it from one night) and it will trigger all those memories from any dream you had and you can then write it down clearer, and analyze it better.

Hi there!
It is really long time since I visited here. Thouth I am not quite good in English, I have to say my tips because I have something to tell you about Dream Journal.
I have mobile phone so I norally recorded my dream shorthly and get bach to sleep asap. When I wrote down my dream by pencil, it take long time and it is quite sleepy so to keep the dream journal is really hard work.

But now it is OK after I recording them. It take only few seconds. If you have any device to record your voice it will work.
Most important thing is writing down your dream asap in day time listening to your voice record. This is very import for having LD.

For the beginner, I would recommend to write down your dream on your dairy in spite of long hard sleepy time. When you wake up during the midnight and you are really alert then you will get more chance to have LD.
