Question about memories.

Would I be able to forget stuff, by summoning a book and expecting memories to be in there, or memories I want to get rid of, then throwing it into a fire? Would it ACTUALLY make me forget it?

This would be a in a lucid dream of course, if anybody wants to try it feel free to and report the results har. >_<

wow…that sounds plausible…hmm…I would definitely try it when I become lucid (let’s hope that’s soon :tongue: )

I’m scared though, because if it was possible and you got a book with ALL of your memories, I dunno, you might drop it into the fire or something. But then again just summon that certain page, I guess. :tongue:

I’ve got to try this. My method for forgetting is exhausting and doesn’t work 100% of the time. I eventually remember when questioning why I feel a certain way when a trigger word is said or an object or sound associated has been introduced again.
This may hopefully explain moments when you just go blank out of no where…Just spit ballin.

I can’t even get lucid yet, lol.

Koharo, mind reading my post har in the “Was this a LD?” topic?

SPOILER - Click to view

I don’t know thats a tough one…I hear that in LD’s if you are somewhat in control its still an LD, not as strong of one but still an LD. Were you?

I don’t think I was in control. Also, I was in third person, looking at myself. I saw myself in the mirror and I looked normal. Like I said, I only remembered a bit. :meh:

To people new to this topic, we’re not talking about my dream, lol. >_<

[color=green]On the subject of the dream not memory deletion through dreams:
I guess not then. But dont give up. Try lucid dreaming binaural beats before going to bed and getting more than 6 hours of sleep or even power nap an LD. And the full story of the encounter with that clowin is in my DJ logbook if you wanted to check it.[/color]

Okie dokie. What page? >_<

EDIT: Rooftop Tailgate? >_<

[color=green] Yes thats where it starts[/color]

Ok, and onto the topic of memory deletion.

(1)Do you know anybody who has tried this?
(2)Could this ruin somebodies life? (forgetting everything…)