Hey all. Im a big ol newbie right now and I have a question.
Im not very good at getting to sleep. how much sleep do you need to have lucid dreams? It said it was reccomended to sleep alot but That is very difficult for me.
I have only had one lucid dream and it was on accident. That night I had less than six hours of sleep and I still had it. So how neccesary is the amount of sleep.
Well, people can correct me if I am wrong here - but I think it goes something like this… every 90 minutes you go from NREM sleep to REM sleep… and as you progress during the night your periods of REM sleep get longer. The more sleep you have the longer your REM periods get and you increase the probability of dreaming/ to have a LD!
Although occurence of dreams happen throughout the whole period of sleep, REM is somewhat more correlated with dreaming.
How much sleep you need really depends on how many chances you want to give your self… and I think that if you can get by on only a few hours of sleep - then you will modify any ld inducing technique to fit with that.
Usually I know for me when i first started, my LDs would occure later in the night, like in the morning i guess. The more i slept the more likely i was to go lucid.
I dont know that it really matters how much sleep you get, but i would recommend getting more, just so that you can up your chances by getting more REM.
From what i’ve heard from this very site to do WILD you have to at least sleep 3 hours or something near that. Because if you are tired while doing WILD you’ll fall asleep quickly and you won’t do the WILD exercise cuz you won’t even start it. But by the othe side having too much sleep will make you active so you will find sleeping difficult.
From my oppinion there’s have to be a balance as in everything, not too much sleep and not too much waking.