Question about RCs


I have a simple question about doing Reality Checks that I just want to clear up for myself. When you do a RC do you say “Am I dreaming?” in your head our out aloud or whisper it?

I am currently just thinking it. I know about all the other stuff associated with doing a RC so please don’t fill me in on that (eg. Lucid Living, questioning your surroundings, using logical thought etc.)

Is it different for every person?



It dosn’t really matter whether you say it out loud or not, because it’s not the important part of the entire process.

When performing a Reality Check, the important thing is to try to prove that you are indeed dreaming. This means you have to actively look for things which are out of place, or non-constant (as most RC’s imply). ‘Believe’ for a moment that you are in a dream. This is necessary to ensure that when you ARE dreaming, you might actually notice something wrong and become lucid.

You may have noticed several people on this forum talking about performing RCs in dreams yet not becoming lucid. This is often because the check itself was done absent-mindedly, without care for the result.

Just make sure you try to simulate the process of realizing that you are dreaming, each time you do one.

Good luck :smile:

I just say it in my head, but i don’t think it really matters

Thanx for the replies guy. :wink:

Guess I’ll just stick to saying it in my head. :content:
