Question about Sleep paralysis

On the section “Signs”, I think is it, it says that when you get into sleep paralysis, a shadow walks over you or maybe its a demon. But anyways… does this always happen? For those of you that this has happened to, what was it like? It sounds pretty darn scary!!!

:smile: no it does not always happen but indeed i experienced it to.

What you need to do is this…first dont fear.
Any form of fear will easely call up these things.
Second, if you experience them and you dont like it…
lay your hands…not the real ones those are paralysed lol.
(unless your not totally paralysed then use your real hands)
on your plexus solaris…if you dont know that spot…well upper stomach will do fine! And think of love not with words but emotional with your heart.
And in your head try to stay very calm and peacefull then its over very quick :wink: dont focus on the shadow then it will never leave lol.

Oh to describe in short…it feels like an entity around you…can feel also good…but also evil…if it is an indentity? No clue…but my method works if you dont like the shadows and thats most important.
The ultimate control is be zen empty…hands on upper stomach and both in centre line of course, Right hand just touching your bones, and higer love feelings in heart…then your free of it in seconds…helps of course i can make myself more easely empty compared to ppl who dont have any experience with zen meditation and other meditation forms.
