question about WILD regarding REM cycle/hypnagogia

I just had my first WILD, so even though it’s irrelevant to the question, I’m excited about it and just want to post it and then ask the question: I breathed slowly and started counting and saying “1, I’m going to lucid dream. 2, I’m going to lucid dream”, etc. I started feeling a warm sensation and a pulsation… I got up to about 100 I think, lost consciousness and then was in a “dream” (hypnagogic stage) about being on a computer. for some reason lucidity was triggered, but I woke up right away, most likely due to being excited of having my first WILD. not sure how long it took, but I lay down at 6:36 PM, woke up at 6:57PM.

my question is: since this isn’t the REM stage, is it still possible to have a long LD from WILD? don’t dreams only occur during the REM stage? (which would explain why most LDs occur after 5-6 hours of sleep)

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

Well first of congratulations on your first WILD! :smile:
Now to your question, if you don’t already know, most people attempt to WILD either 5-6 hours of sleep (for the REM effect) and some during naps. So, if you were just taking a nap this might be why you were able to successfully have a WILD, even only for a few seconds. Though, I am not exactly sure why it’s possible to have a WILD during a nap. Sorry if that wasn’t much help!

Also, from other people I have learned it is extremely hard to have a WILD without REM, but it is possible! Hope this helps!

Actually naps are very good times to try to WILD for some people. It seems you fall into dreams a bit quicker than when you first go to sleep at night. In terms of length, the dream can vary. It is true you tend to have your longest dreams in the morning, but naps can give you decent length. Also, you are able to extend your dreams while lucid by staying active and using recovery techniques like rubbing your hands or spinning.

is there anyone on this board who has had a long lasting WILD (or even regular LD) from a nap? I just wonder if from lack of REM (or early REM stage…say an hour or so after falling asleep) makes it impossible to have a LONG LD…
