Question for anyone who stopped LD for awhile and came back.

Exactly one week ago, I decided to start LDing again after stopping for a few years.

I immediately noticed it was just as hard to remember dreams as it was the first time I got into Lucid Dreaming, but I figured I just needed a refresher getting started again.

Needless to say, it didn’t go as well as I had hoped, (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this post :wink: ), and actually turned out quite more difficult than it was 3 years ago. I decided to put in a conscious effort to remember my dreams with just about every trick in the book, but that’s not working either.

The strange part of this question though, is that for the last few days, I haven’t have any trouble getting lucid. Last night i had 2 LD’s, but both lasted no more than 10 seconds, but no dream-stability tricks didn’t work. In fact, rubbing my hands or spinning only made things worse, and both led to a FA, but that’s all I can remember! :sad:

Has anyone had similar experiences, or can put in a good piece of advice for myself? This is extremely frustrating.

in december I seriously concidered giving up myself, as a last ditch effort I came here and made a post almost like yours. and I will pass the advice that helped me to you.

Always remain postivie and motivated to lucid dream. what happens when you combine matter and anti matter? you get a netueral charge and nothing happens. if you are motivated but kinda not motivated nothing will happen. motivation to rememerb your dreams at night, it will seriously help.

The thing that most people have a hard time grasping is the ease of lucid dreaming. It is quite easy, people who believe it will be hard it will be! but those who say “this is easy I can do this no problem” will lucid dream faster. when you say “this is hard, this is difficult, I will never get higher LDs” your sub-c picks this up and says “oh geeze this is hard this is difficult” and it becomes a harder thing todo.
But luckly this can be reversed. What I do is say “well lucid dreaming is easy the only thing i have todo is remember that I am dreaming” just know that it is easy, throughout the day assure yourself it is easy. because really it is easy, its only as hard as you make it.

Same thing goes for the stability increasers. know that they will work, and if they dont, walk over and touch a texture, focus on it till the vision comes back to you. once you feel your stable enough to proceed in the LD do so.

Even for me it is hard to remember dreams, stressful school life hinders my ability to remember them. Regaurdless you still dream wether you pay attention to it or not. So set an intention to remember your dreams, and if you remember it, remember to become lucid. kill two birds, but with one stone. of course this contratics what LaBerge says (trust his word over mine) “once you can recall atleast 1 dream per night you can begin a indusion technique”


When I came back to LDing however, I thought it would be easy to pick up and do again. So far, I’ve had more False Awakenings and low-lucidity dreams in one week than when I was Lucid Dreaming for 4 months.

And these low-lucid dreams, I’m pretty sure they aren’t even lucid dreams, but more dreams-about-having-lucid-dreams, if that makes sense. I don’t want to have these though. I would rather no dream recall than one of these.

But, thank you for your help. It was very good advice indeed, and I will take it to heart!

I quit altogether for about 6 months and just recently came back. It is EASY. I am picking it back up EXTREMELY well! :smile: I usually spontaneously have an LD once a month, and then I started again and then every two weeks and now every two days! IT SHOULD BE VERY SOON BEFORE I HAVE ONE EVERY SLEEPING PERIOD! :smile: Keep up the good work and REMEMBER to RELAX more than ANYTHING. Stress about thinking you forgot your dream releases cortisol and that is bad stuff if you want to remember your dreams.

I have had a lot of trouble with spinning in my lucid dreams. I have never really taken long breaks from trying to become lucid. Although I must admit that I really don’t do anything to really become lucid. Ever since I found out it is possible to become lucid, I have had about an average of one lucid dream a month.

I don’t know why spinning doesn’t work at times. I have had it work really well a few times, but most of the time it makes me non-lucid or I wake up. Its good that you were able to succeed so quickly once coming back.

It doesn’t make me wake up, but it usually just doesn’t work. It’s worked a few times though… To be honest I think we’d have a higher success rate if we did the door technique.

I have stopped LDing for 4 years and started again 6 months ago. That’s right, it’s like I started LDing for the first time. I had to learn again to remember my dreams, etc. But after a one month training, I got better results than I never had. :smile:

Ah, thank you. It’s good to know I’m not alone.

I think short breaks can be good for lding tho…