Last night I had a dream that I remembered fairly well when I woke up (I think I was writing for 15 minutes or so, questioning the events and drawing simple images and all).
The dream was still kind of dark and blurry, but at least my recall was good.
However, for some reason I had woken up too early (fell asleep 3 AM and woke up 6:30 AM), so I feel asleep again - and had another dream.
I also remember parts of that dream, but I did not write it down.
Then my alarm clock woke me up, but I was still tired so I fell asleep yet again and had yet another dream, which I also didn’t write down (it’s 2:08 PM in my country right now).
So in one night, my actual dream recording was 1 out of 3 dreams.
Is it alright to deliberately skip dreams from the same night like this if you wake up between them?
I always do this…What I do is, after having a dream you wake up yes? Remember it, lay down in your bed for a few minutes, remember every detail of the dream, once you have done this, go back to sleep and have your next 1, when you wake up and have another dream remember that 1 in full detail aswell, and then remember the 1 you had previous to that, it stacks up after a while and you remember all the dreams with ease. And once your ready you hop out of bed, and note down the 3 dreams or more dreams you had. Finito.
Ok thanks, the reason I’m wondering about this is because my dreams tend to be very unclear, almost like a 60-pixel image or something. Here is a random image on some people from Google that more or less shows the sharpness in my dreams.
Think of that picture as a little darker and it’s my dream vision in a nutshell (heck, sometimes it even looks like this), so if there’s anything I need to imrove, it’s the sharpness.
I seem to have pretty good memory skills already, but the details are very dark and make it hard to really “grasp” the dream.
Dreams in general, do feel a bit different from real life, in my opinion, there is definately a weird difference between them, I don’t have much advice to give…but, once you become lucid try the good ol trick of, finding a switch or something to turn the lucidity up and everything will become really clear.
Maybe the better your dream recall becomes, and the more you exersize your imagination during the day it will get better, a little bit of advice…when using your imagination try thinking what all of the 5 senses are doing, your mind, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and what you are feeling, this might help.
Yeah, well I read Rathez’s guide on how to increase vividness and I hope that will work for me, because right now I’m just a distant observer and just randomly move between places without being able to control myself.
I might think in the dream “hey I must go there!”, but the actual movement isn’t under my control - I just “go” there, and my mind is somewhere else.
I am no professional myself, so I guess I can say, just try the different methods and find out what works for you best! Sorry that i’m not a very big help…There will probably be the giant posters on LD4ALL coming on here in the future and putting me in my place. haha.
I’m kinda curious as to why I woke up so early though, I mean I was really tired when I went to sleep.
Maybe I became lucid in the end and woke up for that reason?
I do remember I had ended up in another place in the end of the dream, and somehow I knew I had travelled by bus and train - and then I started wondering how long I’d had that bus card, which I actually think I got in another dream.
I seriously pondered the whole travel thing when I woke up too, like “what actually happened during my journey to that place in the end?” etc.