Here’s the thing. Really , there’s no such thing as the conscious mind as an independent entity. It simply does not exist.
When people refer to the conscious mind , they either refer to the Beta mind. Meaning, the mind while operating (on a physical level) in Beta brainwaves. In this state (or this state is) , it operates as an analytical tool, no more no less.
Emphasis on TOOL. It has literally NO power to drive you to do anything. Absolutely NONE.
The other thing people will refer to as the conscious mind is the attention mind. Or in other words, what we can be aware of. But think about this. If you are faced with a riddle, you can try to connect all the pieces together consciously (using the Beta mind) to solve it, or you can look at the situation and just try to feel the solution. Usually, solutions come from feelings. From ‘subconscious’ activity. And if they come from beta analytics, the understanding that you have the solution and the understanding of the solution itself will also still come from feelings.
We can understand this better through the words of dreamwalker.
“I believe that our human minds can’t comprehend what is us(sub concious) but deep down we do.”
What he refers to as the mind is the conscious mind. The beta mind. The level of existence with facts and figures. The level of analytics.
What he refers to deep down is the ‘subconscious’.
But it still exists. It’s still here. Just in a different form. It doesn’t exist (for now) in the form of words , shapes, and figures. But if you look at that place deep down inside of you, you will find some feeling. Some understanding, you will find something, maybe it won’t be perfectly clear, and maybe you won’t really get anything out of it. But you can still feel it. You can still see it. It’s still there. Just in a different form. A ‘subconscious’ form. But humans were conditioned to identify themselves as a conscious thing. They forgot to pay attention to those deeper things even though they clearly exert a lot of power on their life.
Emotions are what drives you to act. It’s never conscious thinking.
Think about it. The food you choose to eat, the things you choose to do now, the parties you go to , the friends you spend time with. Everything you do right now is driven by emotional energy.
On a bigger level, it’s driven by deeper emotions.
For example, the pure act of going and searching for jobs, trying to find money, thinking about money, which is like something that most people just because, is driven because they are at some level afraid to not have money. If you really and honestly look at your life, you’ll find that the vast majority of your actions, if not all of it, is to some degree created by fear.
Emotions from our far past control us. You aren’t necessarily consciously (as in the attention mind) afraid of not having money right now but on a deeper level, you are, otherwise you wouldn’t go to search for money. This is not to say that if you weren’t afraid you wouldn’t need to get money. But it’s just to get you thinking about what’s actually driving you to wake up in the morning, do the things you do, starting from brushing your teeth, to doing your exercise, going to your job, going back to sleep, the whole process of living is based on choices that you take which are based on emotions that are driving you to take them.
But see, this fear that I’m talking about, even though it’s not consciously here. (or any other emotion ) It’s still here on a deeper level (on a ‘subconscious’ level).
See, if you just suddenly now realized that you do have this fear, or any other emotion for that matter, you just became conscious of something that you were subconsciously feeling.
Subconscious doesn’t mean anything else but that it’s out of your immediate awareness.
Here’s another thing for you.
Emotions are actually also choices that you make.
If you’ll look at a kid that banged his head, you’ll probably find out that he’s looking to see if his parents are around or not in order to decide whether to cry or not.
Think about this,
let’s say that you have a lot of things you want to do and you just don’t get them done.
You start feeling nervous, thinking that you won’t make it in time etc…
This feeling isn’t something that’s happening to you.
You CHOOSE to feel this feeling because on some level , on a deeper (subconscious level) you actually believe that it’s useful for you. That’s simply because you were taught that you need to get stressed in order to get things done. So you start telling yourself about all those things that you ‘need’ to do. And then you start to feel nervous and tense about not doing them because you actually believe that you have to feel this way in order to get yourself to do them.
The sad thing is that those emotions will always just keep you away from doing the things you want to do…
Things might happen automatically, as a result of habits. You might feel certain feelings, make certain choices and do certain things in an automatic fashion. But just because you’re not paying attention (being ‘conscious’) to them, doesn’t mean they’re non existent. You still feel them on a deeper level. You still choose to make those choices on a deeper level. Because everything you do and feel is a choice you make on some level of your being.
It’s important not to confuse the things you feel, do, etc with what you are. It’s like the eye identifying herself with what it sees. You are consciousness. You can feel feelings and you can touch things, but you are not them. You are consciousness.
Just like the eye can’t see itself, consciousness can’t experience itself. It’s a nice paradox for you.
You can feel a pain in your stomach. You can feel anger. But you can’t be an angry person. Sure, people say, ‘I’m an angry person’, ‘I have no will power.’ But did you ever meet a person which is ALWAYS angry ? If I paint a table in black, is it a black table ? Or is it a table painted in black ? …
The table in itself is still a table. Black is just a color that’s painted on it.
By the way, physical pain is also something that we very often like to induce to ourselves out of very old feelings. Such as wanting to feel bad to avoid school. I know this may sound too bizarre and I really don’t want you to believe anything I say. In fact, I urge you not to. But I do think it will be helpful for you to experiment with changing your beliefs & emotions and see the effects it has on your life. That’s the only way you’ll be able to really understand.
Eventually, in the most literal sense possible. The subconscious is YOU.
The conscious mind is just a tool. A flashlight (as in the attention mind) and an analytical processor.
I’m in the process of working on a free course to let people know how to control their feelings and how to cure things that they kept with them for years and years. Also, how to program themselves and change their inner reality to create outer changes. If you’ll be willing enough to participate , I’m sure you’ll find it extremely liberating and completely mind stretching. I intend to show that you really can and should feel good and have all the things you desire and more. And I intend to teach everyone how to get them. peace ^^