[Question] WILD Problem

So I attempted a WILD in the afternoon. I laid there for a long time and I had a short feeling of floating. Later, my hands and feet started to become numb, but for a long time nothing else happened after that. Help?

Hello Midnyght!

After these sensations you could get HS, seeing HI/imagery/phosphenes, and losing sense of position and “stop” feeling your bed/actual body. It’s some “way” to go yet in order to succeed in WILD.
(Place your cursor over the acronyms for definitions).

I guess I need to let you choose your destiny for further instructions:

Nicest Answer

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Try to relax! Try to rest on a recliner, sofa or something like that as well. Convince yourself that it’s getting harder and harder to move. Do it for at least 30 minutes and check if you can actually feel you are getting close to it.


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Maybe you are too excited. Stay calm in there and wait for several minutes. It could take more than 100 minutes actually depending on each person. Pay attention on your breathing and meditate, it should help.


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There are several other techniques that are better suited to beginners. There are experienced LDers that take a long time to achieve their first WILD after several MILDs and other types of LDs. I could write examples.

Thank you very much for you reply! For some reason, I agree with the pessimistic one. xD Anyway, I’ll try those things, thanks again!
