
Hi, I am relatively new to the whole Lucid Dream process. I just had two quick questions. I was talking with someone about Lucid Dreaming and asked her for tips. She said to stare at my hand when I am in bed. She told me that, when I could see my hand clearly in the dark, I would know I am dreaming. It happened, and I got up to see if I could do something. Turns out my arms started to go up and down in a circle without me doing this. So on to the question. First, is she right about the whole hand thing? Second, is okay for my arms to do that? I am pretty sure I might have done something wrong.

I can’t really say for the whole hand going in circles thing, but with what VERY limited knowledge I have of WILD, it sounds like this could be a modified WILD technique, focusing your mind on your hand, so keeping it aware, even as your mind sleeps.

So you’re saying that it may have been a different kind of WILD? Is there any other way to have a WILD because it happened again last night except I got out of bed without wanting to and I’m scared that I will do something bad as a result of this.

i don’t think you would do anything bad because of this!

maybe you should read a book before going to bed to calm yourself :smile:

Just do a reality check as soon as you get out of bed. For example, hold your nose and try to breathe through it, if you try it now there is no way you will breathe. But if you are dreaming you will be able to breathe through your nose when you hold it.

Basically summing it up if you are scared that you will do something bad just do a reality check when you get out of bed so when you can breathe through your nose; you know you’re dreaming and you can do everything you want!