anyone else think it’s funny, among other things, that we (i, at least) spend more time in ‘reality’ questioning reality than questioning the reality of dreams?
yeah i’ve noticed that i have been as well lately XD
i guess its kinda ironic XD
Yes it is weird if you think about this. And what is even weirder is that I do So Many RC’s in RL, yet when I do happen to become lucid in a dream it is always just by somehow knowing it, but close to never via a reality check.
It’s really funny, how I developed the habit to RC everytime I see something unusual.
The lights at the toilet flicker - RC! I notice all the flowers from the kitchen windows stand on the table (because the curtains were being hung on) - RC!
Well, hopefully this carries on into my dreams!
yeah, i have more or less resigned to waiting for the ‘oh man! i’m dreaming!’ i hardly do rcs in dreams, but i hope that changes. it’s good to have more than one method