I don’t expect you to know everything, but more interested on your thoughts or theories on this.
1.) As of right now, as I am fully awake, can the subconscious hear me? Can I ask the subconscious things while I’m awake such as “Help me become lucid tonight” and it will know?
2.) Once you become lucid, do Dream Characters know you are their creator…that you are the human thats walking around the dreamworld?
3.) Do dream characters live on even when you aren’t dreaming? Do they have individual minds of their own or are they all simultaneously controlled by the subconscious?
Thanks for any responses!
Hi, ill share my opinion
1: That, as far as psychology can teach us, i believe is true. The subconscious does take influence from our time awake, during the day. Ever have a normal dream with elements experienced during that day, or day before? Plus, that’s the fundamental concept of reality checks. We program our mind to question reality in our waking life, then our subcounscious becomes accustomed to the routine to do it during sleep. But asking it for assistance in becoming lucid, i think would be best left right before bed to ensure it’s still mulling over that topic during sleep, for best results. You should search “lucid living” in the forums
2: Depends on circumstance. Varies from person to person. These forums have many posts that explore DC behavior. If you predispose your mind that they will not be aware, they won’t be. There’s a reality check where you ask a DC if you’re dreaming. Most often they say “no” casually, instead of in reality a person would look at you incredulously. On the other side, i’ve also seen a post where someone was frustrated that their DC’s were always self-aware. pretty strange
3: Realistically, no. They don’t exist when you aren’t dreaming But for all intents & purposes of the question, ill say yes. In the “my epic quest, designed by you!” thread in the quest for lucidity forum (i think), the poster meets a dragon, who recounts things that have happened in his absence in the dreamworld. But again, realistically, i think the “in between” time is only referenced by a DC and you can take it as if it is canon to your dream realm.
Those are my thoughts, anyway