I’ve tried pretty much every night…and have had some very clear dreams, but none lucid.
Last night i was REALLY REALLY tired and tried wilding…
1)When you shut your eyes your eyes roll back right? Well mine do anyway… Tired, and eyes rolled back i could almost see things (yes i know about HI! ) but the audio came out more clear than the images! I could hear someone (male) saying “John!”…then suddenly my eyes would jerk back straight (err lookign forward)basically making me start over… Then i would be back to where i was and heard “John!” then my eyes would jerk back straight again. It was really frustrating… what’s up with that? why can’t i go any farther in the WILD process?
2)Also in previous attempts when i tried the technique eyes shut, eyes rolled back, i was actually trying to look for things… and my eyes would move around trying to find anything! but i know HI and LD’s are mental not physical! so why am i doing this? :/… Or when i’m just trying to focus on gettign to sleep…and letting “it” happen my eyes jerk and twitch almost violently forcing me to wake up. Any ideas explaining this?
Sounds (called Hypnagogic sounds) can be part of WILD-ing, so don get frustrated, its part of the deal. If it happens, relax and remember that its all in your head.
When you fall asleep and start to dream, your eyes might be following the actual dream scene, especially if you consciously start to look around for anything visual. If you have problems with ¨jerking eyes¨, try to focus on stuff that isnt moving, for example imagine a white flower or something in the middle of your view.
I tried WILD again last night… (even took off my contacts) I could hear things (in my head…not physically)though not clearly. And could see things… yet again un clear… it was MADness. I couldnt make anything… but i did feel really strange.
While feeling really strange i tried to visualize myself somewhere…but it didnt work
So i guess WILDing isnt for me. Any other recommendations?
Don’t give up on WILD,Try doing it for a month and then if you still can’t LD then move on to something new.
The number one mistake people make is giving up too soon on a technique.Give it more time,I would also suggest MILD right when you go to bed,Then after 5-6 hours of sleep do a WBTB+WILD.
The trick is to stay relaxed during the ¨madness¨. If you can not do that, WILD isnt for you. All those weird images and sounds are just a part of the process of falling asleep consciously.
The technique that gave me the best WILD experience ever had to do with mostly hearing. When I sit in a empty room where there is zero sound my ears “hear” nothing. It resembles a ringing sound. or a high pitched hum. When i was little i used to hate it because it seemed annoying and almost gave me headaches. But now as i lay down to WILD (which for me HAS to be an afternoon nap because REM doesnt happen at night immediately which makes WILD impossible) all i do is concentrate on the humming. after about 4 to 6 minutes i start hearing bells or sirens i cant clearly make out what they are. Sometimes after 8 minutes or so i start hearing a girl singing some sort of song, that i almost try and make a song out of. Heres the thing I dont understand about WILD. It seems for everyone else they start seeing stuff and it eventually moves into a LD. For me I just concentrate on the sounds until …WHAM Im in a completely Vivid LD. Theres no point of me not knowing where I am or what Im doing its just me being concious inside of a dreamworld. Maybe Im a lucky one but this is the coolest feeling in the world. Good Luck!
It seems that it depends on the dreamer. During the HH phase, some have vivid visual hallucinations, some have auditive hallucinations, some have kinesthesic hallucinations (false body sensations).
An interesting point is that you noticed the main thing was focusing on HH and it propelled you in a LD.
After joining this forum, I realized I’ve been essentially doing WILD for a long time… I like to watch those things as I fall asleep, going from dots, to swirls, to geometrics and then video clips… but I have never tried to do anything other than watch. And change the colors, that’s easy to do.
Anyways I’ve tried to actually WILD in the last week but the trouble is it’s what I usually do to get to sleep… so I just fall asleep from what I read, I’m supposed to try to create a dream scene at the “video clip” stage? I can create vague images, but they just slip away into the noise of the other video and wipe me off into sleep.
I also used to meditate and listen to bwgen… which resulted in some cool visions, which were probably dreams. Maybe I should try that again.
BTW they say tinnitus (constant ear ringing even when it is not quiet) often drives the sufferers mad… maybe nelska’s experience is what it feels like
I’ve been trying WILD for about a week, and it’s been going OK, but one night I was really into it, and I felt quite clearly, on two separate occasions, someone tapping my left foot three times. I don’t really know what to make of this. Also, all my life I’ve heard music in my head while trying to go to sleep and the music is impossible to turn off. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but it keeps me up. One can only listen to “Daytripper” so many times.