Ok, alot of you guys are noticing that R3TRO and I have been having alot of lucid dreams all of a sudden. Pretty much the entire reason is will and intention and the knowledge and belief that our MILDs/WILDs will work. My highest achieved LDs in 1 night is 20, I got that because I MILDed I would wake up 3 times every REM period, then WILD into a dream. Every REM period I woke up 3 times and WILDed and got into a new LD in about 30 seconds except for the last one, I only got the LD in before I woke up, and realized it was 10 AM . I normally just do a regular customized MILD and dont wake up until I’m ready to wake up for the day or if I really want to write something down because I might forget it.
So I understand that alot of you guys probably have questions, so here’s your chance to ask us.
If you want us to do anything in an LD that you havent done, let us know and we’ll do it and let you guys know what it’s like (It gets a little boring having 13 a night with not much to do )
You’ve got all these great answers, to all these great questions.
Yes Biffy Clyro do rock, but on a more serious note I was wondering do you have DILDs through MILD, or do you just use MILD and a tool to wake up so you can attempt WILDs. And what specific method of WILDing do you use, maybe you could talk us through a few examples etc. And well done, that’s a desirable talent you have achieved there!
Q: How high lucid on average are you guys in those LD’s. Do you reach a level where you have the same mental faculties as during waking life, with all short and long term memories?
Q: If you stay lucid during deep sleep, how to you know it is deep sleep and not ‘just’ a black REM void?
First of all to 1984: Yes I do have DILDs, but thats when I MILD I will do RC and realize I am dreaming, other wise I am Just Lucid automatically. When I Wild, I usually just Imagine Myself as lucid, and since i am one to fall asleep within 2 mins. it works great for me. I think I would classify it somewhere between a regular WILD and Pedro’s VILD.
I am fully Lucid. I dont get low levels anymore, whenever I do I just will it to be High, and it does.
Deep sleep Lds are hard to describe, it is alot like the black void REM, but It has a diferent feeling, I dont know if you have ever had a NREM LD where you can feel everthing your RL body is doing, and your dreambody, but its kinda like that. Only you are extremely relaxed. other than that I cant really discribe it.
1984: I MILD for DILDs sometimes. But sometimes I start out lucid because I wind up in my dreamscape I made. Other times I do RCs to get lucid. For WILD I just focus on the lack of anything. I dont focus on my ears, I focus on nothing. Weird sounding but it works.
Yeah, we have all of our waking life memories, it feels like being awake in my LDs.
You can partially feel your real body, but VERY vaguely (spelling error?) Also, there is nothing. In REM your mind creates scenery because it is supposed to. In a deep sleep dream, there is nothing but what you make. But once again it can be as real as real life.
Do you REALLY wake up 3 times from each REM… do an RC next time instead of trying to re-enter.
I got that because I MILDed I would wake up 3 times every REM period, then WILD into a dream.”
I count those as ONE LD, unless they are REALLY hard to get back in, or it takes me a long period of time to WILD again, if it’s just re-entering the same dreamscape, I almost always count it as ONE LD…
though back in May i sort of cheated and sometimes counted it as multiples…
does this give you insomnia at all? How many hours are you sleeping?
and how do you all know each other?
“Deep sleep Lds are hard to describe, it is alot like the black void REM, but It has a diferent feeling, I dont know if you have ever had a NREM LD where you can feel everthing your RL body is doing, and your dreambody, but its kinda like that.”
yeah, those are really weird… I don’t like them becasue they are hard to stay inside.
Yes actually I have. But first of all, nREM LD’s are not the same as lucidity in deep sleep (which is also referred to as lucid sleep). This is because nREM is a term that refers to two sleep conditions: the deep sleep stage (1) as well as the very light sleep stage (2), in both there is no REM. I think it would be better to give these two stages different names, but alas they are both called nREM. Ill just refer to them as 1 and 2 here. During 2, if you have a LD, it is very easy to feel your physical body, just as you say you can feel nearly everyhting it ‘does’. The difference with stage 1 is that here, you have NO feeling of your physical body whatsoever (perhaps only if it would be in grave pain or so). Also, since in deep sleep there is no vision related to dreams (visual cortex is offline), you dont have a dreambody, but ofcourse you can feel your energy body here (as well as in any sleep stage). So, as a conclusion I kinda have to disapoint you (please dont get mad, I dont wish to offend you just point out what is going on) and say that you two probably have not been lucid in deep sleep (at least not those times you felt anything of your physical body). This doesnt mean you can’t to reach it in future experiments though, and I would suggest you keep trying. A way to enter deep sleep directly from the REM black void is to meditate here and focus on going deeper into sleep, and/or feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper. Both can (in time with practise) lead to lucid sleep (lucidity in deep sleep).
Well what do you mean here? What do you ‘make’ in deep sleep? And what is ‘as real as real life’? I dont understand what you refer to here, not to dreams I suppose since as I said in deep sleep there are none. Perhaps you refer to consciousnes?
What you make is like what you dream, what you expierience, IE: a house, a boat, a car, a sky. as real as real life meaning fully clear, and everything feels like real life.
What I don’t understand is why wake up 3 times every REM period… Why not just stay in the first LD you had in that REM and mess around. Why is there a need to start a whole new LD when you might not enter one?
Other than that…nice work. I would try what you did, but that would make me so tired…getting up that many times. INSANE!
In one of your LDs…try going in to a HUGE city. I did this a couple of weeks ago, and its truly amazing what your mind can do. Just walk around and go in all the buildings and take the subway and talk to people. I even got naked and ran around…hehe. But really though, its awesome.
And…other cool places can be going in to space or to Atlantis.
Hope you keep getting as much LDs as you are now…Although I do predict you 2 will get tired of waking up so much in the middle of the night…
More objectives would be cool… As I said it gets boring…
If a mod could sticky this it would be cool, maybe it could just be a big new person help topic and all the lucidity masters (R3TRO, Lucidity_master, me, holy_reality, Pedro if he ever comes back) could help out?
bendrummin: I just tryed this method once really, to see how many LDs I could get in one night, for one my friend, not freecube, would not let me go to sleep and i was so tired that i kept falling asleep and going lucid. I didnt really like continually waking up because I was sooo tired the next day.
Xetrov: In my LD I felt myself slipping into deep sleep, and kinda did a meditation thing to stay Conscience in the deep sleep. Like I said, it was “like NREM” but it wasn’t thats just the closest thing that I could find to discribe it.
for me waking up causes high lucidity and also helps me remember.
on deep sleep, meditating in LDs (usually semi LDs, or DILDs) sometimes puts me into a hypnagogic state within the dream which is VERY psychedelic, and i get embedded in spiraling images, and i start… falling inside them… and they encompass a void which I am in…
i think this could be used to hit really deep deep delta sleep, maybe… it’s weird… i’d like to do it again.