Questions and answers.

Well R3TRO and I have proved our connections are true, but we havent had the same confirmation with Pedro. By all means we assume it is him, since he talks like he did in the forum, but we havent given a code in a dream then said it in real life.

That’s not true. Your subconscious/conscious deal with your thoughts etc…

They don’t have anything to do with regulated bodiyly functions like heart pumping, growth and others. You can obviously influence these processes using your concious/ subconscious but you don’t directly control them.

BTW, Freecube how long did it take to get your first LD since you first heard about LDs?

Never tried
Never tried
Yes, Dont understand

Subconcious is just the name for the unconcious mind.


Not wholly conscious; partially or imperfectly conscious.


[u]The part of the mind below the level of conscious perception.[/u]

1 : existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness : affecting thought, feeling, and behavior without entering awareness

interesting article. =
straight from that website “Subconscious mind is the sum total of our past experiences. What we feel, think, or do forms the basis of our experience.”

case closed :wink:


Sry, I just had to say that :tongue:

O_O ok

I remember that debate very well. :smile:

Belief and intention do play a strong role in lucid dreaming. I can not stress strongly enough how your attitude and beliefs toward lucid dreaming will effect your outcome. You could do 200 RC a day, think about lucid dreaming from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. But, if you believe that lucid dreaming is hard you are in for a rough ride.

Good luck and it is great to hear about everyones success.

i have a question:
when you have LD’s for one year isn’t that impossible,
i mean while you are in it you really feel like you are in the dream for a year.
Also, could you possibly will the dream to be a lifetime long so you could live out an entire life every night?

also, what specific method of MILD do you use and wht RC’s

If i wanted to i could but one month gets boring, so a lifetime would be like insanity.

Yes i do feel like im dreaming for a year.

so, one second of real time of you lying in your bed can be a few months of dream time?

Yes, I have a question also.

Freecube/R3TRO how long did it take to get your first LD since you first heard about LDs?

why would you have sex in a dream
you should try to make some sort of machine that gives you an orgasm a second or even a bigger orgasm than possible in real life!
You should try it and let me know how it goes (not to much detail)

wheres the fun in that? For all the straight people out there, we want the ladies. not some creepy machine.

dd dd: Yeah

Dramon: a few weeks

dd dd: Like bendrummin said :razz:

O_O a orgasm machine O_O

umm no actually sex is not one of the more fun things to do in a dream, i mean yeah its fun but just looking at a snow covered mountain is more exciting and fullfilling, than have sex, which by the way i have had my share of in my LDs.

Me thinks you should try to meet someone (or a group of people) from this forum in an LD. It’s the only way you could prove to us that you can realy share dreams…

i guess a machine is bad
but what about a woman that gives you the same effect?

I’ve been thinking about the “hacking your brain” part that you guys did. And I realised there are many ways to actually do it. The easy way would probably be to just take a lucid dreaming pill out of your pocket in a LD and swallow that :cool: But I actually thought that I would get a lucid dreaming chip and implant that in my head in a LD if I could remember to do it :grin: Then I can just upgrade the chip or take it out if it doens’t work. I realised this when going to sleep last night and the first dream I had was about DCs having different chips in their heads depending on how intelligent they where in dreams :lmao:

I think a chip would be more easy since I have to expect to find one in my pocket and then shove it into my head instead of first trying to find a computer and then start hacking it. Or finding a brain.