No I don’t it will be programed when I take it out of my pocket I will “know” that it will increase my lucid dreaming skills. And if it doesn’t work I’ll just get another chip
Sureal, We can try, but I imagine it will be kind of hard considering that I dont know anything about you, we had the same inconsistency with pedro (if it was really him) I know for a fact I can give you guys a code that I gave to R3TRO for the re-assurance that it was real that I gave in the dream.
I dont really know much about anybody besides bendrummin58, and he mentioned wanting to try it, so I’ll see if I can find him. I tried last night because he asked me to, but since I have a cold when I said “When I turn around I’ll see bendrummin58” it didnt work… I ended up on Mars. My LDs were weird last night.
I was not aware of what happened with R3TR0. Are you saying that you exchanged a code with one another in a dream and then actually repeated it afterwards in Real Life?
When you are LD’ing, would you describe your world as ‘more real than real’?
Since you retain your waking life memories, do you feel like “yourself” or do you feel less attached to your physical life?
They exchange a code word (for example, lets say: ‘bob’) in the dream. Then, next time they saw each other, one of them would say ‘Bob’ and if the other knew what he was talking about, then they’d have shared a dream. So yeah, you be right .
This is actually a common test and I don’t believe has ever worked/been proved to work.
That’s not possible. You can’t have a anything ‘more real than real’.
I don’t quite agree with that one. I have had lucid dreams where my senses were definitely more intense than they are in real life. So, in a sense, lucid dreams can seem more real then your waking life.
yes I agree with milrod, I’ve heard about amazing things done in LD’s. Such as 320 degree vision. being more then one person at once. And in a LD that I have had my sense of taste was amazingly superiour then it is IRL. When I ate somthing my taste buds tingled to no end. hard to describe. it was for lack of a better word amazing
And you’re incorrect, partially at least. There have been countless verfications of remote viewing and shared dreaming.
Science just likes to deny/avoid them because they have no explanation for it yet.
Why not?
The last Lucid Dream was exactly that…but it’s so hard to put into words. But I promise you, it made THIS life (waking/physical) seem like the dream. I even recalled my waking life memory and thought to myself, “Well, that was then, this is now.” It didn’t matter because it felt less real than what I was experiencing.
I’ve also seen colors, textures, shapes, and heard sounds/songs I’ve never ever seen in my waking life…I can’t describe them though because there’s no earthly word associated with them.
Oooooo, I’ve done this too. I remember it was like an apple pi that I actually manifested through my own will. It was the first time I ever experienced the sense of taste without my mouth and it was magnificant.
Near Death Experiences often comment that we have all 5 of our senses that we have here on Earth, but they are much more developed and advanced…this is the same in a LD, so I wonder how much linkage the two really have.
I tried finding you and r3tro last night…after those long hours of conversations online…and the only reason why I couldn’t “connect” is because I had sleep problems last night. I went to bed the same time you did, to increase chances, but the problem was I was too excited You know how you really really want to do something the next day, and when you go to bed, you just cant sleep. Well that happened to me. And when I finally went to sleep an hour later, I woke up sweating. So yeah…hehe. And I also tried the way you guys do WBTB…and when I woke up, I completely forgot my purpose of waking up, so I just went to sleep. lol.
Everything kindof bombed last night. But tonight, I’m going to do some add-ons to make myself sleepy, in addition to making myself tired by “working” around the house. It’s all good.
I know I’ll find ya tonight…and hopefully it wont be on mars. hehe.
I also need to talk to you guys on AIM or XBL about some of these problems
Being able to hear/see better doesn’t make something more real. Yhen you look through bioculars, is everything more real? No, of coarse it isn’t. You can just see better.
You have real. If you have something that is different to real, then it is no longer real.
You have realism. If you have something that is different to realism, then it is no longer realism.
There have been people who have claimed to have had shared dreaming. However, it has never been done in a scientific enviroment (that is, to seperate the two people, give one of them a code word, let them sleep, in the morning, ask the other one what the code word is and what they did in the dream. Compare the two stories.)
A scientific theory would come afterwards.
So, the test may have worked before, but has never been proved.