I’m new here, but not new to lucid dreaming. I have only had a few brief encounters with this AMAZING phenomenom but want to learn more. I have a few questions however, which I would be grateful if they could be answered.
1.Firstly does anyone else have random dreams? My dreams have no real storyline to them but quick little events.
If what we expect happens in normal dreams, then how can you be surprised? Is it an element of doubt in the back of your mind?
Does anyone pass R.C. in dreams? I did! Is this because I don’t do them properly normally? Also, even though R.C. are part of my life, they hardly ever come up in my dreams!
I don’t have any dream signs! Nothing, after 2 months of dream recording is repetitive. Does anyone else have this?
Why when. WILD is being done. do you have to already have slept?
Does anyone remember dreams after you read something which happened in your dream, eg. you read “cat” and suddenly your dream about a cat comes back to you? Another time, I was reading a lucid dreaming book and i read the word “paralysis” and then memories about me being paralysed came back to me. I couldn’t believe I didn’t remember!
Thank you for your time, I hope you don’t see me as just a question asker! If you could label what you are answering, that would be GREAT! Thank you so much, take care all.
I think a lot of people’s dreams are random and meaningless. I know at least mine and yours are.
When doing RC it is important to really think about the possibility that you could be dreaming. If you get used to doing them through the day and not putting any real thought into it then in your dream you will probably do the same thing.
I don’t have a dream sign either.
I’m no expert on WILD but I don’t think you need to have slept before. If you sleep for a while and then wake up and do WILD I think it is called WBTB. (somebody correct me if I’m wrong.)
Sometimes I remember a dream after seeing something during the day that I dreamt about. I was walking to class the other day and I saw something that reminded me about I dream that I had, but I don’t remember what it was now.
Hope some of that helps. Maybe somebody else will fill in the gaps or add something else.
It’s hard for me to say that most dreams or most people’s dreams are random and pointless. Given the statistics on dreams, we all have many more than we recall. Therefore, I’d rather say that our recall, before we improve it, is random and pointless (or not). i suspect it has a lot more to do with our ability to comprehend our own dream language. Of course this is just my opinion. As always, your mileage may vary.
As for WILD, as I understand it, WILD is definitely started initially upon going to bed. There may be different ways to configure your process, but always it is a matter of maintaining consciousness until you slip into dream and hopefully you will realize when it happens.
I cannot do WBTB for a couple of very practical reasons. Since it calls for doing something else, like getting up and reading about LDs or some other activity and then going back to bed, it is ruled out for me. First off, if I get up and do something else for even 15-20 minutes I will practically never get back to sleep. Secondly, my wife is a very light sleeper. If I do something like that and wake her up before her normal waking time… well, let’s just say it would not go well for me.
For those reasons, WBTB will for me always refer to “Waiting by the Barbeque.”
Have you had any LDs yet? If not, (or even if you have) after 2 months of RC training(!), mabye you should have a go at MILD. It could provide you with some valuable LDing experience.
I find my dreams are based directly on my subconcious. Whatever happens during the last day or two, is likely to appear as a fragment in my dream. Lots of these ‘threads’ get woven together to make what appears a pretty unorganised and messy ‘dream fabric’, but nonetheless this is how it occurs to me.
Because the level of concious control in an LD is exciting. Everyone is in denial about constantly having ultimate control, so they get excited when it happens. It’s akin to having dessert - if dessert was always bigger than the main meal, the dessert would become the main meal, and it wouldn’t be so rewarding/tasty.
People miss dreamsigns all the time, including RC’s.
Dream signs can be very subtle. If you miss dreamsigns a lot, or don’t believe you have them, perhaps you should try paying more attention to the more subtle things in waking life, it will assist in finding what those things are. Or, try autosuggesting that you dreamsigns will be repeatable, ie, assign a color/shape/object to your dreamsigns and RCs. That way when you see them, either you do a reality check, or you realise your dreaming.
No, you’re concious when wilding, but eventually your body falls asleep.
refer to answer 1. if i think about things more often, they generally have a higher chance of becoming implemented in your dream. If that weren’t true, then why would anyone bother with reality checks? The more you RC, the more likely it is to appear in your dream, etc.
It may happen. It’s rather rare when I have very well build stories.
Yes indeed, we wonder if it’s a dream of not. But I’m not sure I understand your question.
Try to change your RC. Some RC’s work best for some people and not for other. And for most of us, RC’s don’t work at 100%. You have to choose RC’s which work well for you. Even if you don’t perform RC’s in ND’s, they may be useful when you will wonder if you dreaming or not. Then you’ll perform naturally a RC.
That’s rather curious. Some people said the same thing, but I’m quite sure it’s a problem of classification.
WILD works generally better with WBTB.
Such things happen sometimes. For instance, you dream about mice and after you wake up, somebody talk about mice then you remember the dream.