questions plz help

hi i read this forum for ages and i found stuff like “evil spirits” and stuf & its really freaking me out. now im confused are these things just involve oobe or what? :wam:

also, how can i get myself to remember what i want to do in a ld? whenever i get into a ld i never remember what i wanna do, even if i made a firm resolution on what to do. :bored:

you so crazy, if you don’t want evil spirits to possess you they wont :content:


There is no way of knowing whether there are “evil spirits” or not. I personally do not believe in them, but there are people here that do believe and will discuss it.

It’s up to you if YOU believe or not in evil forces, and if you feel uncomfortable talking about them, just avoid the threads regarding them. Anyways, bear in mind that your dreams provide you a completely safe environment and there’s no reason to fear them—not even your nightmares.

You build your own experience in the world of (Lucid) Dreaming.

Also, to remember what you want to do: try to use some autosuggestion technique, like telling yourself at night “I’m gonna have a lucid dream and in it I’m going to—say,—fly”. And if you don’t remember, don’t be frustrated at yourself, just keep trying, ok?

Wishing you the best experiences with LDing,

Evil spirits and things of the sort are confine to Astral Projection, and they can only possess you if you believe in them, and even then only if you give the spirit permission…

Oh, yeah, as for the memory thing, I’d say try what Bruno said. Maybe sometime during the day you should write the autosuggestion out on paper and make a firm visualization of you doing the activity in a dream…

thanx i’ll have to try the autosuggestion :content: